"The News Archive Partner Program provides a way for Google and publishers and repositories to partner together and make historical newspaper archives discoverable online. As part of Google News, the News archive search function provides an easy way to search and explore historical archives. For articles already in digital format, we've worked with the hosts of these archives to crawl and index their materials. When materials aren't easily available in digital format, we have partnered with the copyright holder to scan and present the newspaper in a way that is full-text searchable, fast and easy to navigate," explains Google.
Setiap game online hampir memiliki fitur dimana kita sebagai pemain bisa berpacaran dengan pemain lain. Nah, begitu juga dengan game online terbaru LUNA Online. LUNA Online pun menyediakan fitur yang satu ini. Kalian bisa mendapatkan pacar disini, atau jika kalian memang pasangan asli di dunia nyata yang sama-sama bermain LUNA, kalian juga bisa membawa hubungan kalian kedalam game ini. Nah, untuk bisa berpacaran di LUNA Online kalian harus mendaftarkan diri sebagai penduduk dulu. Untuk mendaftarkan diri sebagai penduduk LUNA, pergi ke Pelabuhan Alker, lalu temui Family Manager, Calerian.
Calerian mempunyai rambut berwarna biru, memakai gaun putih dan berdiri di depan sebuah pohon besar. Setelah kalian berhasil menemukan Family Manager, double click Calerian agar bisa memulai percakapan dengannya. Kemudian klik ikon permohonan penduduk. Kemudian isikan biodata kamu sesuai kolom yang tersedia. ISI DENGAN BENAR, karena biodata ini tidak dapat dirubah lagi! Jika sudah, mulailah mencari pasanganmu. Jika kamu beruntung dan menemukan pasangan yang cocok, maka akan muncul tanda love diatas kepala kalian.
Jika sudah mempunyai pasangan, kamu dapat memasuki area atau dungeon dimana hanya kamu dan pasanganmu yang bisa memasuki area tersebut. Area tersebut juga terdapat banyak monster yang siap menyerangmu. Lindungi pasanganmu dari serangan monster-monster tersebut. Jika kamu berhasil melakukannya, maka akan ada hadiah khusus buatmu. Setiap harinya, satu pasangan hanya bisa masuk dungeon sebanyak 3 kali. Jadi, jangan sia-siakan kesempatan ini. Untuk bisa memasuki dungeon, caranya adalah:
Beikut adalah program segitiga angka piramid. Tentu Anda sudah mengetahui bagaimana bentuk piramid? Tapi kali ini kita akan membuat piramid dengan angka, dan dibuat menggunakan bahasa C++. Lihat syntax berikut:
#include <iostream.h> #include <conio.h>
int main() { int x,y,z,bil; clrscr();
cout<<"Masukkan Tinggi Segitiga : "; cin>>bil; cout<<"\n\n";
I rarely post about topics that don't have too much to do with Google, but there's a little-known music player that deserves some recognition. MusicBee is a powerful music player and music organizer for Windows that helps you auto-tag your songs, find lyrics and album pictures, create smart playlists with related songs from Last.fm, convert songs and much more.
MusicBee manages to combine the best features from applications like iTunes, Windows Media Player or Winamp, while adding a lot of useful features that aren't available in those popular media players. For example, you can automatically fix the tags for all the songs from your music library with just a few clicks.
MusicBee has a great Last.fm integration: it automatically scrobbles the tracks you play, it lets you import your loved tracks and your playlists, it has a cool feature that imports Last.fm tags and there's also an option to sync play counts with Last.fm.
The application supports tabs and it includes a Mozilla Gecko-based browser that lets you read information about the songs you're currently listening and download songs from music blogs.
Besides the extensive support for music formats (MP3, WMA, Vorbis, AAC, FLAC), the application converts music files from one format to another and synchronizes your files with many portable devices, including iPod and iPhone.
MusicBee is probably the media player that integrates with the most popular music-related web services and the nice thing is that it's constantly improving. Steven, MusicBee's only developer, is open to feedback, sometimes implementing user suggestions and fixing bugs in less than a day after they're posted. It's amazing to see that the first version of the player has been released in December 2008.
The downside of including a lot of features is that the application might look cluttered and some features are difficult to find, but that's a small price to pay.
Google Mobile Blog has a cool tip for those who post Google Buzz messages from an iPhone or an Android phone:
"You can post your public buzz simply by speaking it. From the Google Mobile App for iPhone or Quick Search Box on Android, select the voice search icon, say "post buzz" followed by the text you'd like to post, and watch your words appear. Before your post is sent, you'll be able to edit it or change its tagged location."
It's probably the first time when Google's voice search feature can be used for other things than searching. In fact, you don't even have to use the voice search feature: go to google.com on your mobile phone's browser, type post buzz, followed by your message and Google Buzz will open.
Maybe Google will add similar shortcuts for creating Google Calendar events, composing Gmail messages or finding Google Docs files. Yahoo's open shortcuts are an interesting approach to adding command-line features to the search box, but they're less powerful than YubNub's commands.
Sudah bisakah Anda mencari tahun kabisat dalam C++? Tahun kabisat adalah tahun yang habis dibagi 4 atau 400 tetapi tidak habis dibagi 100. Nah, dari penjelasan diatas sudah tentu kita mengetahui algoritma pembuatan program pencari tahun kabisat.
Gunakan statemen if untuk mencarinya. Jika habis dibagi 4, atau habis dibagi 400 dan tidak habis dibagi 100, maka tahun kabisat. Sekarang kita akan mencari berapa banyak tahun kabisat antara dua buah tahun yang diinputkan. Gunakan statemen for atau perulangan untuk yang satu ini.
Perhatikan syntax berikut ini:
#include <iostream.h> #include <conio.h>
int main() { int awal, akhir, tahun; clrscr();
cout<<"Masukkan Tahun Awal : "; cin>>awal; cout<<"Masukkan Tahun Akhir : "; cin>>akhir; clrscr();
cout<<"Tahun Kabisat Antara "<<awal<<" dan "<<akhir<<" adalah : "; cout<<endl<<endl; for(tahun=awal; tahun<=akhir; tahun++) { if((tahun%4==0)||(tahun%400==0)&&(tahun%100!=0)) cout<<tahun<<endl; else cout<<""; } getch(); }
Bagaimana? Mudah bukan? Terimakasih untuk fauzan yang telah request program yang satu ini. Sehingga saya bisa berbagi kepada teman-teman yang lainnya.
Apa kegunaan meta tag? Meta tag berguna untuk meningkatkan rank blog kita di search engine seperti google, yahoo, dan yang lainnya. Meta tag juga digunakan untuk memberikan gambaran atau uraian singkat mengenai isi dari blog kita. Dalam meta tag, kita harus memasukkan kata kunci atau keywords yang terdapat dalam blog kita, sehingga blog kita lebih mudah di deteksi oleh search engine. Tapi ingat! Jangan pernah masukkan keywords yang tak ada hubungannya dengan blog Anda karena akan dianggap spam. Sebagai contoh, blog Anda berisi tentang ilmu science, tetapi Anda memasukkan keywords berbau kotor atau porno karena alasan keywords itu banyak dicari di google. Itu akan dianggap spam.
Dalam meta tag juga terdapat robot yang akan sangat berguna bagi blog. Meta Tag Robots ditujukan untuk memilih atau menentukan halaman blog mana yang bisa atau boleh di-index oleh spider dan halaman blog mana yang tak boleh di-index. Bagi blogger yang memiliki template berisi menu navigasi seperti saya. Contoh terdapat menu seperti ini. Home | Content | Downloads | Friend's Banner | Tutorial |. Tentu Anda tak ingin menu tersebut terindex di search engine.
Untuk melihat apakah dalam template blog Anda sudah tertanam meta tag, silahkan login dulu ke blogger, kemudian cari menu layout, edit HTML. Pada edit HTML paling atas, lihatlah kode <b:skin>. Apakah diatas kode tersebut terdapat kode seperti ini:
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != "item"'> <meta content='[belajar bahasa pemrograman C++. terdapat juga download software, informasi IT, dan tips serta trik komputer]' name='description'/> </b:if> <meta content='[pemrograman C++, Tutorial C++, Tips dan trik komputer, tutorial SQL, Belajar Java, Tutorial Java, Informasi Teknologi, download Software]' name='keywords'/> <meta content='INDEX, FOLLOW' name='ROBOTS'/>
Nah, jika belum, tambahkan kode berikut diatas kode <b:skin> :
Setiap game online pasti memiliki fitur berupa guild. Begitu pula LUNA Online. Guild itu sendiri berfungsi sebagai sarana tempat berkumpulnya banyak pemain. Kalian dapat mengundang teman atau siapapun untuk masuk ke Guild. Sehingga memudahkan kalian dalam leveling atau menaikkan level karakter karena banyak teman yang membantu. Nah, jika ada guild sudah pasti ada Guild War-nya. Guild War ditujukan untuk menguji seberapa heabt kerjasama antara anggota guild.
Untuk membuat guild pada game LUNA Online, caranya gampang saja. Cukup pergi ke Pelabujan Alker lalu temui Guild Manager bernama Ellenshar. Double klik Ellenshar, maka kamu akan dapat berbicara padanya. Kemudian pilih pembuatan guild untuk memulai membuat guild.
Setelah itu, muncul layar pendaftaran untuk membuat guild. Berikan nama guild sesuai keinginanmu. Tapi ingat, nama guild tidak boleh ada spasinya. Setelah membuat guild, kamu dapat mengundang temanmu untuk bergabung dengan guild yang sudah kamu buat. Tapi ingat, untuk membuat guild, karaktermu minimal harus level 10 dan memiliki 10.000 gold.
Setelah memiliki guild, kamu dapat melakukan guild war. Atau perang antar guild. Kepala guild harus mendeklarasikan peperangan kepada guild lain untuk dapat memulai guild war. Adapun syarat sebuah guild bisa melakukan guild war adalah sebagai berikut:
Google has recently discontinued Quick Search Box for Windows, which was included in Google Toolbar. If you liked the application, there's a way to use it, even if it's no longer available in Google Toolbar.
1. If you already have Google Toolbar for IE, it's likely that the toolbar has been updated to the latest version and you need to uninstall it. Just click the arrow next to the Google Toolbar wrench and select "Uninstall".
3. Now you can install the latest version of Google Toolbar from toolbar.google.com or wait until the application updates itself. You can also install the most recent version from FileHippo.
Quick Search Box, a small Google application bundled with Google Toolbar, is no longer available for Windows. The software was both a program launcher and a Google search box instantly available even if your browser is closed.
"At Google, we like to launch early and often, and iterate on our products. We often experiment with new features in Toolbar and sometimes we have to decide how best to focus our efforts on features we expect will yield the most benefit to users in the long run. Along these lines, the Quick Search Box feature will no longer be available in Google Toolbar. At this time we have no plans to release it separately, but I'll keep the community informed if these plans change. Thanks to all the users who helped us test and improve the feature," says Brian Rose, from Google.
Quick Search Box is still available for Mac, iPhone and Android, but each flavor of the application has different features. I think it would be a good idea to add all the features from QSB for Mac to the Windows version and release it as a standalone application. It could be a lightweight alternative to Google Desktop, an extensible open source application that lets you search the files from your computer and your online data from services like Gmail or Google Docs.
If you wanted to use macros in Google Spreadsheets, there's a good news: Google Apps Script is now available for all Google Docs users. That means you can write scripts for performing repetitive actions, creating custom functions or even adding advanced features to Google Spreadsheets.
You can try one of the featured scripts by opening a spreadsheet, clicking on the "Insert" menu and selecting "Script". Unfortunately, Google's sample scripts aren't very useful: you can play Hangman, draw a fractal, convert a named range to a CSV file or translate the text from a cell into 10 other languages.
After installing a script, you need to reload the spreadsheet to be able to use it. Then you have to find the UI element that triggers the script: usually it's a new menu. Clicking on the menu entry doesn't run the script: you first need to authorize the script and then you have to click on the menu entry one more time. It's not user friendly.
To write your own scripts, read these tutorials. You'll have to type some JavaScript code, so you should be familiar with this scripting language.
Google Maps added a new type of directions for the US: bicycling directions. Google's blog explains that "biking directions keep you on bike-friendly roads and avoid some of the city's busiest intersections".
Adding bicycling directions wasn't an easy task because Google had to gather information about bike trails, bike lanes, uphill or downhill slopes. Google's algorithms try to find the best route and they take into account a lot of interesting factors.
"Our biking directions are based on a physical model of the amount of power your body has to exert given the slope of the road you're biking on. Assuming typical values for mass and for wind resistance, we compute the effort you'll require and the speed you'll achieve while going uphill. We take this speed into account when determining the time estimate for your journey, and we also try hard to avoid routes that will require an unreasonable degree of exertion."
Google Reader Play is a new way to read popular articles and an interesting interface for browsing web pages.
"In Google Reader Play, items are presented one at a time, and each item is big and full-screen. After you've read an item, just click the next arrow to move to the next one, or click any item on the filmstrip below to fast-forward. Of course, you can click the title or image of any item to go to the original version. And since so much of the good stuff online is visual, we automatically enlarge images and auto-play videos full-screen," explains Google.
The interface is optimized for posts that include images and for short blog posts. You can use keyboard shortcuts to navigate to the next post or you can start the slideshow view to only look at the images and headlines.
I was disappointed to see that Google Reader Play doesn't show your subscriptions. It only shows a list of recommended pages and Google uses your actions (starring, liking or sharing items) to improve the recommendations. If you want to read your subscriptions in Google Reader Play, use this URL:
Sebelum C++ tercipta, ada bahasa pemrograman C yang diciptakan oleh Brian W. Kerighan dan Dennis M. Ritchie sekitar tahun 1972. Sepuluh tahun kemudia, C++ diciptakan oleh Bjarne Stroustrup, Laboratorium Bell, AT&T, pada tahun 1983. Bahasa ini bersifat kompatibel dengan bahasa pendahulunya, C. Pada mulanya C++ disebut "a better C". Sebelum akhirnya disebut C++. Sebutan ini diberikan oleh Rick Mascitti pada musim panas 1983. Adapun tanda ++ berasal dari nama operator penaikan pada bahasa C.
Keistimewaan pada C++ adalah karena bahasa ini mendukung pemrograman yang berorientasi obyek (OOP: Object Oriented Programming). Tetapi tetap saja C++ adalah bahasa pemrograman yang bersifat hibrid, bukan bahasa murni yang berorientasi obyek. Karena itulah, pemrograman C pada tahap awal dapat berpindah jalur ke C++ setahap demi setahap.
Tujuan utama pembuatan bahasa pemrograman C++ adalah untuk meningkatkan produktivitas pemrograman dalam membuat aplikasi. Selain itu, C++ juga dapat mengurangi kekompleksitasan, terutama pada program besar yang terdiri dari 10.000 baris atau lebih.
If you use Gmail's POP3 fetching feature to read messages from other email accounts, you've noticed that Gmail checks for new messages less frequently than desktop mail clients. Usually, Gmail tries to find new messages every hour, but some accounts are updated more frequently, especially if you get many messages.
"Once you've set up Mail Fetcher, Google will check your other accounts on a regular basis, and new mail will appear automatically in Gmail. Gmail checks individual accounts for new messages at different rates, depending on previous mail fetch attempts. At this time you can't customize the frequency of automatic mail fetches," explains Google.
While the most obvious improvement would be to manually set the frequency, Google decided that's inefficient, but added a Gmail Labs feature that lets you manually refresh your accounts. Go to Gmail Labs, enable "Refresh POP accounts" and click "Save Changes". When you want to check for new messages, click on the "Refresh" link at the top of the page. You should see a message informing you that Gmail is "fetching mail".
Until now, you had to go to the Settings page, select the Accounts tab and click on "Check mail now" next to each POP3 account. Gmail solved this problem by adding a new feature to the existing "Refresh" link. "The refresh link at the top of your inbox will not only update your inbox with your new Gmail messages, it will also fetch messages from any other accounts which you have set up," mentions Emmanuel Pellereau.
Yahoo Mail has a better mail checking interface: you can refresh individual POP3 accounts with just two clicks and there's a keyboard shortcut for refreshing all accounts. Unfortunately, Yahoo Mail checks your POP mail accounts for new messages only when you request it.
Selamat malam bloggers sekalian. Meskipun blog saya ini tidak membahas mengenai berita sepakbola, tetapi saya pribadu sebagai fans berat Manchester United ingin memberikan dukungan kepada team favorit saya. Bagi Anda penggemar setia Manchester United, silahkan dukung team kesayangan Anda berlaga di Liga Champions pada Kamis dinihari nanti (11 Maret 2010). Pertandingan ini disiarkan langsung oleh stasiun TV Nasional yaitu RCTI. Anda dapat menyaksikan laga ini pukul 2.30 WIB. Laga ini akan dihelat di Stadion Old Trafford, Manchester.
Tentunya pertandingan ini menjadi salah satu yang paling panas pada babak 16 besar liga champions kali ini. Karena sebelumnya Manchester United telah unggul 3-2 saat bermain di San Siro (kandang Milan). Dan satu lagi berita bagus, Wayne Rooney yang sebelumnya diduga cedera lutut parah ternyata bisa dimainkan. Karena cederanya tidak separah yang dibayangkan. Sebelumnya, duet centre back, Rio Ferdinand dan Nemanja Vidic telah bisa bermain. Semoga Manchester United memberikan kemenangan pada para fans nya.
Kalau ada yang memberikan komentar mengenai pertandingan ini, silahkan. No spam, silahkan komentar yang mendukung, dukung fair play, ga ada yang saling menjelekkan. Trims bro..
Hungry Beast, a news program that airs on ABC1 Australia, had a segment about Google a few days ago. The TV show defines Google as an advertising giant whose main goal is to track users and deliver targeted ads.
Many of the numbers that are supposed to show Google's power are outdated. For example, the number of Google servers was estimated to 450,000 in 2006. comScore estimated that Google attracted more than 2 billion searches a day in July 2009.
Hungry Beast claims that Google "wants to own your phone, your email, your computer and your entire digital life". Using the verb "own" is inappropriate, since Google simply hosts your email and offers software for your phone and your computer. Projects like Data Liberation show that Google's doesn't want to trap your data.
Another claim is that "Google wants to own the cables that deliver the Internet and the electricity to power them", when Google's goal is to "help make Internet access better and faster for everyone" by showing that it's possible to "deliver Internet speeds more than 100 times faster than what most Americans have access". Like Gmail, which offered for the first time 1 GB of storage for free, or Google's bid in the FCC spectrum auction, which helped consumers because Google convinced FCC to add some new rules: the winner of the auction has to "give its customers the right to download any application they want on their mobile device, and the right to use any device they want on the network".
The video concludes that Google's ultimate goal is to gather data about everyone in the world and to show great targeted ads. Actually, Google's mission is to "organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful". Google's disrupting business model pushes the boundaries of technology by democratizing knowledge. Ads are only the fuel that helps Google accomplish its mission.
"We aspire to make Google an institution that makes the world a better place. (...) With our products, Google connects people and information all around the world for free. (...) By releasing services, such as Gmail, for free, we hope to help bridge the digital divide. AdWords connects users and advertisers efficiently, helping both. AdSense helps fund a huge variety of online web sites and enables authors who could not otherwise publish." (Google's IPO Letter, 2004)
What Do You Suggest? is a site that lets you visually explore how Google Suggest autocompletes a query. "What Do You Suggest takes a seed from you, then guides you on a journey through language and the collective lives of Google users."
There are some recurring themes which have emerged as I've been playing with the site during its creation. Among other things, it seems people do rather a lot of searching on the topics of music, religion and relationships.
Hmmmm,, hebat ya kalau seandainya bisa meramal berapa Alexa Rank kita yang muncul esok hari. Apakah Alexa Rank kita bakalan turun? Atau malah naik? Tapi gimana bisa meramal kalau kita ga punya kemampuan untuk meramal? Hmmmm,, ada yang tahu gimana caranya? Hehehehe,, gampang kok. Download aja add-ons Mozilla Firefox, yaitu Alexa Widget. Sekedar informasi, Alexa Widget ada dua: Alexa Toolbar (Jika dipasang letaknya dibawah address bar) dan Alexa Minibar (Jika dipasang letaknya dipojok kanan bawah). Download disini Alexa Toolbars.
Bagaimana bisa Alexa Widget ini mengetahui Alexa Rank kita esok harinya? Pada umumnya Alexa Rank yang tampil di widget blog tidak sama dengan Alexa Rank yang muncul di Alexa Toolbars atau Alexa Minibar. Jika pada kedua widget itu terlihat Rank yang sama, artinya Rank blog kalian keesokan harinya tetap. Sebagai contoh, Alexa Rank pada widget blog saya menunjukkan angka 884.868, tetapi pada Alexa Toolbars menunjukkan angka 897.316, artinya Alexa Rank blog saya akan naik menjadi 897.316 keesokan harinya. Hahahaha, Alexa Rank naik kok ga seneng? Emang gitu kan, kita senengnya kalau Alexa Rank blog kita itu turun kan, hehehehe. Siapa coba yang mau Alexa Rank blog nya naik jadi 10 juta? Hahahaha,,