"Om Swastiastu"
Sejak sebulan atau dua bulan lalu semester ganjil sudah beranjak ke semester genap. Nah, sekarang saya ingin menjelaskan materi yang terdapat di semester genap. Structure (struktur) dalam C++ adalah kumpulan elemen-elemen data yang digabungkan menjadi satu kesatuan. Masing-masing elemen dalam data tersebut dikenal dengan sebutan field. Field data tersebut dapat memiliki tipe data yang sama ataupun berbeda. Walaupun field-field tersebut berada dalam satu kesatuan, masing-masing field tersebut tetap dapat diakses secara individual.
Field-field tersebut kemudian digabungkan menjadi satu dengan tujuan untuk mempermudah operasi. Misalnya kalian ingin mencatat data-data mahasiswa dan pelajar dalam sebuah program. Untuk membedakannya kalian dapat membuat sebuah record mahasiswa yang terdiri dari field nim, nama, alamat, dan ipk serta sebuah record pelajar yang terdiri dari field-field nama, nonurut, alamat dan jumlahnilai. Dengan demikian akan lebih mudah untuk membedakan keduanya.
Bentuk umum structure:
struct namastruct
<tipe data> field1;
<tipe data> field1;
<tipe data> field1;
Untuk dapat menggunakan struktur, tulis nama struktur yang kemudian diikuti dengan nama fieldnya yang dipisahkan dengan tanda titik ( . ).
Untuk lebih jelasnya lihat contoh syntax berikut:
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Perlunya Mendengarkan Kritikan Pengunjung
"Om Swastiastu"
Good afternoon bloggers. Sore-sore gini, ga ada aktivitas malam mingguan, enaknya ngepost aja deh. Oia nih, mau bagi cerita. Betapa pentingnya mendengarkan kritikan orang lain. Kemarin malam, saya online facebook. Nah, kebetulan ada adik kelas saya yang online. Saya tanya, apa kamu online pake PC? Dia jawab ia. Akhirnya saya suruh untuk mengunjungi blog saya dan berikan penilaian. Dari situ dia bilang warna blog nya rame. Jadinya silau liatnya. Saya tanya, yang mananya? Katanya pada bagian artikel blog ini warnanya terlalu mencolok karena tidak match dengan sidebar yang berwarna biru. Bagi yang sebelumnya pernah mampir kesini, pasti tahu kan kalau background tempat artikel saya berwarna hijau. Sedangkan pada masing-masing sidebar berwarna biru. Akhirnya, dari sana saya ubah kembali warna background tempat artikel berwarna sama seperti sidebar. Kemudian saya tanya lagi ke dia, sekarang gimana? Dia jawab, yaa lebih bagus kaya gini. Sekedar pemberitahuan, adik kelas saya tersebut adalah orang awam dalam dunia blog.
Setelah itu, saya tanya lagi, ada kritikan lagi? Ada, sidebar yang dikanan terlalu rame, banyak iklan dan gambar-gambarnya. Widget tutorialnya juga banyak ngabisin tempat. Nah, dari situ saya akhirnya pakai tabview pada widget tutorial agar lebih simple. Maunya saya pakai dua tabview di blog. Satu untuk tutorial dan satu lagi untuk tempat friends link, banner, dan lain sebagainya. Tapi saat membuat tabview yang kedua, yaitu tempat banner dan link teman, malah gabisa alias error waktu di save widgetnya. Saya gatau kenapa? Ada yang tahu cara buat dua tabview pada blog? Kalau tahu, kasi tahu doong.
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Good afternoon bloggers. Sore-sore gini, ga ada aktivitas malam mingguan, enaknya ngepost aja deh. Oia nih, mau bagi cerita. Betapa pentingnya mendengarkan kritikan orang lain. Kemarin malam, saya online facebook. Nah, kebetulan ada adik kelas saya yang online. Saya tanya, apa kamu online pake PC? Dia jawab ia. Akhirnya saya suruh untuk mengunjungi blog saya dan berikan penilaian. Dari situ dia bilang warna blog nya rame. Jadinya silau liatnya. Saya tanya, yang mananya? Katanya pada bagian artikel blog ini warnanya terlalu mencolok karena tidak match dengan sidebar yang berwarna biru. Bagi yang sebelumnya pernah mampir kesini, pasti tahu kan kalau background tempat artikel saya berwarna hijau. Sedangkan pada masing-masing sidebar berwarna biru. Akhirnya, dari sana saya ubah kembali warna background tempat artikel berwarna sama seperti sidebar. Kemudian saya tanya lagi ke dia, sekarang gimana? Dia jawab, yaa lebih bagus kaya gini. Sekedar pemberitahuan, adik kelas saya tersebut adalah orang awam dalam dunia blog.
Setelah itu, saya tanya lagi, ada kritikan lagi? Ada, sidebar yang dikanan terlalu rame, banyak iklan dan gambar-gambarnya. Widget tutorialnya juga banyak ngabisin tempat. Nah, dari situ saya akhirnya pakai tabview pada widget tutorial agar lebih simple. Maunya saya pakai dua tabview di blog. Satu untuk tutorial dan satu lagi untuk tempat friends link, banner, dan lain sebagainya. Tapi saat membuat tabview yang kedua, yaitu tempat banner dan link teman, malah gabisa alias error waktu di save widgetnya. Saya gatau kenapa? Ada yang tahu cara buat dua tabview pada blog? Kalau tahu, kasi tahu doong.
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Ternyata Masih Ada Yang Copy Paste Artikelku!!
"Om Swastiastu"
Hmmm,, setelah sebelumnya saya sempat menulis artikel dengan topik yang sama, yaitu, "Ketika Postingan Kita di Copy Paste". Barusan, saya iseng cek di Top Seratus dan memasukkan judul blog saya di kotak search yang terdapat disana. Hasilnya muncul 3 blog dengan kata-kata yang terdapat programmer didalamnya. Urutan pertama tentunya blog saya, yang kedua entah blog siapa. Lalu blog yang ketiga itu adalah blog pemrograman seperti saya. Karena topik dalam blog tersebut sama seperti saya yaitu tentang bahasa pemrograman, iseng saja saya kunjungi. Ternyata eh ternyata, ada artikel yang tak asing dimata saya ketika saya memasuki blog tersebut.
Artikel tersebut antara lain, Program konversi desimal ke biner dan Program Invers Matriks Ordo 3x3. Dan setelah saya cek, ternyata benar, itu adalah artikel saya yang di copy paste si pemilik blog. Tidak hanya itu, disana juga terdapat kesamaan dalam beberapa download link seperti software dan game. Saya harap si pemilik blog ini sadar akan perbuatannya yang merugikan orang lain. Atau mungkin si pemilik blog ini belum tahu aturan blogging. Mari junjung tinggi sportivitas, fair play, dan bersaing secara sehat. Bali love peace!!
"Om Santhi, Santhi, Santhi, Om"
Hmmm,, setelah sebelumnya saya sempat menulis artikel dengan topik yang sama, yaitu, "Ketika Postingan Kita di Copy Paste". Barusan, saya iseng cek di Top Seratus dan memasukkan judul blog saya di kotak search yang terdapat disana. Hasilnya muncul 3 blog dengan kata-kata yang terdapat programmer didalamnya. Urutan pertama tentunya blog saya, yang kedua entah blog siapa. Lalu blog yang ketiga itu adalah blog pemrograman seperti saya. Karena topik dalam blog tersebut sama seperti saya yaitu tentang bahasa pemrograman, iseng saja saya kunjungi. Ternyata eh ternyata, ada artikel yang tak asing dimata saya ketika saya memasuki blog tersebut.
Artikel tersebut antara lain, Program konversi desimal ke biner dan Program Invers Matriks Ordo 3x3. Dan setelah saya cek, ternyata benar, itu adalah artikel saya yang di copy paste si pemilik blog. Tidak hanya itu, disana juga terdapat kesamaan dalam beberapa download link seperti software dan game. Saya harap si pemilik blog ini sadar akan perbuatannya yang merugikan orang lain. Atau mungkin si pemilik blog ini belum tahu aturan blogging. Mari junjung tinggi sportivitas, fair play, dan bersaing secara sehat. Bali love peace!!
"Om Santhi, Santhi, Santhi, Om"
Google and Pre-announcing New Features
Google: "We don't pre-announce our products." (2006)
Before the launch of Google Apps Premier Edition, Google rarely pre-announced new features or new services. Since many new features were released in beta, Google announced them when they were available. Google wanted to deliver real value and trying a service is far more exciting than reading a blog post or a press release.
Something changed in 2007, when Google launched Google Apps for businesses. In April 2007, Google promised that it will launch an online service for editing presentations: "Well, we tried to keep it a secret as long as we could, but to be honest, we've been dying to tell you about the bun we've got in the oven. We'll soon be welcoming a new addition to the Google Docs & Spreadsheets family: presentations. Our due date is this summer." The service has been released in September.
Now it's no longer surprising to read things like: "We're pleased to announce the upcoming release of the Google Apps Connector for BlackBerry Enterprise Server". Businesses need predictability, but Google shouldn't become predictable.
The latest pre-announcement is from Google Analytics, which will launch "a global browser based plug-in to allow users to opt out of being tracked by Google Analytics. Our engineers are now hard at work finalizing and testing this opt-out functionality. We look forward to make it globally available to our users in the coming weeks."
It's nice to know that the engineers are "hard at work" and that the plug-in will be available "in the coming weeks", but when it will be released, people will no longer be excited to try it. If the launch is delayed and the plug-in won't be available "in the coming weeks", many people will wonder why they can't download it and will conclude that it's vaporware.
Coming soon: Google will announce some upcoming pre-announcements that will be posted in the coming weeks. Google's engineers are already hard at work writing blog posts about features that aren't yet available, but they'll be released at some point in the future.
Viacom vs YouTube: Inconvenient Truths
The truth is difficult to find if those that know it have a lot to lose when it's revealed. Three years after Viacom sued YouTube for 1 billion dollars, some pieces of truth are revealed:
"For years, Viacom continuously and secretly uploaded its content to YouTube, even while publicly complaining about its presence there. It hired no fewer than 18 different marketing agencies to upload its content to the site. It deliberately "roughed up" the videos to make them look stolen or leaked. It opened YouTube accounts using phony email addresses. It even sent employees to Kinko's to upload clips from computers that couldn't be traced to Viacom. And in an effort to promote its own shows, as a matter of company policy Viacom routinely left up clips from shows that had been uploaded to YouTube by ordinary users." (YouTube blog)
"Viacom produced numerous documents, including a Google memorandum from the Google Video team about YouTube. The team told senior Google execs that YouTube was a "rogue enabler" of content theft, that its content is all free, and much of it is highly sought after pirated clips and that YouTube's business model is completely sustained by pirated content. In May 2006, Ethan Anderson, international business product manager for Google Video, told other execs, I can't believe you're recommending buying YouTube... they're 80 percent illegal pirated content." (Ars Technica)
While YouTube became popular by hosting unauthorized content, it's now a platform for self-expression and many companies use tools like Content ID to make money from the videos that include their content. Like many other online services, YouTube is protected by the DMCA, a United States copyright law which "creates a safe harbor for online service providers against copyright liability if they adhere to and qualify for certain prescribed safe harbor guidelines and promptly block access to allegedly infringing material (or remove such material from their systems) if they receive a notification claiming infringement from a copyright holder or the copyright holder's agent."
Even if YouTube's employees were aware that a lot of the videos weren't uploaded by the copyright owners, it was difficult to tell which videos should be removed.
This case shows that it's a bad idea to fight against those that love your work and want to promote it. Encouraging fans to be creative, learning from their ideas, finding which of your works is more popular and making money from ads - there's a lot to gain from being open-minded.
"For years, Viacom continuously and secretly uploaded its content to YouTube, even while publicly complaining about its presence there. It hired no fewer than 18 different marketing agencies to upload its content to the site. It deliberately "roughed up" the videos to make them look stolen or leaked. It opened YouTube accounts using phony email addresses. It even sent employees to Kinko's to upload clips from computers that couldn't be traced to Viacom. And in an effort to promote its own shows, as a matter of company policy Viacom routinely left up clips from shows that had been uploaded to YouTube by ordinary users." (YouTube blog)
"Viacom produced numerous documents, including a Google memorandum from the Google Video team about YouTube. The team told senior Google execs that YouTube was a "rogue enabler" of content theft, that its content is all free, and much of it is highly sought after pirated clips and that YouTube's business model is completely sustained by pirated content. In May 2006, Ethan Anderson, international business product manager for Google Video, told other execs, I can't believe you're recommending buying YouTube... they're 80 percent illegal pirated content." (Ars Technica)
While YouTube became popular by hosting unauthorized content, it's now a platform for self-expression and many companies use tools like Content ID to make money from the videos that include their content. Like many other online services, YouTube is protected by the DMCA, a United States copyright law which "creates a safe harbor for online service providers against copyright liability if they adhere to and qualify for certain prescribed safe harbor guidelines and promptly block access to allegedly infringing material (or remove such material from their systems) if they receive a notification claiming infringement from a copyright holder or the copyright holder's agent."
Even if YouTube's employees were aware that a lot of the videos weren't uploaded by the copyright owners, it was difficult to tell which videos should be removed.
This case shows that it's a bad idea to fight against those that love your work and want to promote it. Encouraging fans to be creative, learning from their ideas, finding which of your works is more popular and making money from ads - there's a lot to gain from being open-minded.
Memasang Widget Share Facebook di Blog
"Om Swastiastu"
Akhir-akhir ini semakin banyak blog atau website yang memasang widget share on facebook di postingannya. Kenapa demikian? Karena dengan memasang widget share on facebook, kita dapat memberikan fasilitas kepada pengunjung blog kita untuk membagikan artikel yang mereka baca diblog ke halaman facebook mereka. Sehingga teman-teman mereka di facebook menjadi tahu artikel-artikel yang apa saja dibaca si pembagi ini. Siapa tahu ada info menarik, kalian bisa membagikannya kepada teman kalian di facebook hanya dengan mengklik tombol share on facebook tersebut. Contohnya, kalian bisa melihat dipojok kanan atas postingan ini. Tepat dibawah judulnya, terdapat kotak share on facebook. Bentuknya seperti yang terlihat digambar diatas. Tapi kalian mesti membaca keseluruhan artikel IT Programmer dulu untuk dapat melihat kotak share on facebook tersebut, atau klik link READMORE. Nah, apabila kalian mengklik kotak tersebut, maka kalian akan langsung dibawa ke halaman berbagi di facebook. Dan artikel ini akan langsung dapat dilihat di facebook. Menarik bukan?
Selain itu, link blog kita juga akan muncul di halaman facebook, sehingga memungkinkan lebih banyak pengunjung datang melalui facebook. Nah, jika kalian para bloggers ingin memasang widget seperti itu dihalaman blog kalian, caranya sangat mudah, cukup dengan menambah beberapa kode. Mau tahu caranya? Baca artikel ini selengkapnya. Hehe, karena artikel ini panjang, jadi agar loading blognya cepat saya pake fasilitas readmore.
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Akhir-akhir ini semakin banyak blog atau website yang memasang widget share on facebook di postingannya. Kenapa demikian? Karena dengan memasang widget share on facebook, kita dapat memberikan fasilitas kepada pengunjung blog kita untuk membagikan artikel yang mereka baca diblog ke halaman facebook mereka. Sehingga teman-teman mereka di facebook menjadi tahu artikel-artikel yang apa saja dibaca si pembagi ini. Siapa tahu ada info menarik, kalian bisa membagikannya kepada teman kalian di facebook hanya dengan mengklik tombol share on facebook tersebut. Contohnya, kalian bisa melihat dipojok kanan atas postingan ini. Tepat dibawah judulnya, terdapat kotak share on facebook. Bentuknya seperti yang terlihat digambar diatas. Tapi kalian mesti membaca keseluruhan artikel IT Programmer dulu untuk dapat melihat kotak share on facebook tersebut, atau klik link READMORE. Nah, apabila kalian mengklik kotak tersebut, maka kalian akan langsung dibawa ke halaman berbagi di facebook. Dan artikel ini akan langsung dapat dilihat di facebook. Menarik bukan?
Selain itu, link blog kita juga akan muncul di halaman facebook, sehingga memungkinkan lebih banyak pengunjung datang melalui facebook. Nah, jika kalian para bloggers ingin memasang widget seperti itu dihalaman blog kalian, caranya sangat mudah, cukup dengan menambah beberapa kode. Mau tahu caranya? Baca artikel ini selengkapnya. Hehe, karena artikel ini panjang, jadi agar loading blognya cepat saya pake fasilitas readmore.
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Redundancy and its Effects
"Om Swastiastu"
In database management, we might find some problems when storing the data on the spreadsheet. One of them is data redudancy. What is redundancy? Redundancy is the duplication of data, or the storing of the same data in more than one place. What problems does redundancy cause? Redundancy wastes space because you're storing the same data in the multiple places. The extra space result in larger sreadsheets that require more space in memory and on disk and that take longer to save and open.
When you need to change data, redundancy also makes your changes more cumbersome and time-consuming. Even if you use the global find-and-replace feature, multiple changes require more computer time than does a single change. Finally, redundandy can lead to inconsistencies. For example, you might enter the same name in the same column, and then not be sure which is the correct spelling. Further, if that names spelled in three different ways and you use the search feature with one of the three values, you'd find a single match instead of three matches.
"Om Santhi, Santhi, Santhi, Om"
In database management, we might find some problems when storing the data on the spreadsheet. One of them is data redudancy. What is redundancy? Redundancy is the duplication of data, or the storing of the same data in more than one place. What problems does redundancy cause? Redundancy wastes space because you're storing the same data in the multiple places. The extra space result in larger sreadsheets that require more space in memory and on disk and that take longer to save and open.
When you need to change data, redundancy also makes your changes more cumbersome and time-consuming. Even if you use the global find-and-replace feature, multiple changes require more computer time than does a single change. Finally, redundandy can lead to inconsistencies. For example, you might enter the same name in the same column, and then not be sure which is the correct spelling. Further, if that names spelled in three different ways and you use the search feature with one of the three values, you'd find a single match instead of three matches.
"Om Santhi, Santhi, Santhi, Om"
Download 50 Soal Algoritma C++
"Om Swastiastu"
Sudah mengikuti tutorial C++ yang diberikan oleh IT Programmer? Apakah kalian sudah paham tentang bahasa pemrograman C++? Sejauh mana kalian mengetahui tentang bahasa pemrograman C++? Tentu butuh soal atau sejenisnya untuk mengetahui seberapa hebat kalian dalam memecahkan masalah di algoritma kemudian mengkonversinya kedalam syntax yang berujung pada program.
Nah, untuk itu saya ingin membagikan soal C++ ini kepada kalian. Saya harap kalian bisa menuntaskan semua yang ada dalam soal ini. Dalam file ini terdapat 50 soal algoritma yang harus kalian selesaikan dalam C++. Tidak hanya C++, jika kalian mempelajari Pascal pun kalian dapat membuat algoritma soal ini dalam bahasa Pascal. Soal-soal tersedia dari yang paling mudah dan terus beelanjut ketingkat yang lebih tinggi. Silahkan di download soal-soal C++ ini, sehingga bisa menilai seberapa besar kemampuan kalian dalam menangani masalah-masalah algoritma. Good luck young programmer!
"Om Santhi, Santhi, Santhi, Om"
Sudah mengikuti tutorial C++ yang diberikan oleh IT Programmer? Apakah kalian sudah paham tentang bahasa pemrograman C++? Sejauh mana kalian mengetahui tentang bahasa pemrograman C++? Tentu butuh soal atau sejenisnya untuk mengetahui seberapa hebat kalian dalam memecahkan masalah di algoritma kemudian mengkonversinya kedalam syntax yang berujung pada program.
Nah, untuk itu saya ingin membagikan soal C++ ini kepada kalian. Saya harap kalian bisa menuntaskan semua yang ada dalam soal ini. Dalam file ini terdapat 50 soal algoritma yang harus kalian selesaikan dalam C++. Tidak hanya C++, jika kalian mempelajari Pascal pun kalian dapat membuat algoritma soal ini dalam bahasa Pascal. Soal-soal tersedia dari yang paling mudah dan terus beelanjut ketingkat yang lebih tinggi. Silahkan di download soal-soal C++ ini, sehingga bisa menilai seberapa besar kemampuan kalian dalam menangani masalah-masalah algoritma. Good luck young programmer!
"Om Santhi, Santhi, Santhi, Om"
Stop Buffering a YouTube Video
Sometimes you start watching a YouTube video and you realize that it's not very interesting. You pause the video, but YouTube continues to download the file. What can you do to stop the download?
Until now, a simple trick to stop buffering a YouTube video was to fast forward to the end of the video. The good news is that YouTube added an option to stop the download: right-click on the video and click on "Stop download".

YouTube's help center has more information about buffering. "The YouTube video player downloads a video as it plays. A buffer is a section of memory in your computer which allows for the simultaneous writing and reading of information -- on YouTube the buffered section is represented by the red section of the video timeline. The YouTube video player reads video information from one section of the buffer while writing to another. This kind of multitasking allows for smoother playback of video during a continuous process of downloading which is especially helpful for slower connections. "
Until now, a simple trick to stop buffering a YouTube video was to fast forward to the end of the video. The good news is that YouTube added an option to stop the download: right-click on the video and click on "Stop download".

YouTube's help center has more information about buffering. "The YouTube video player downloads a video as it plays. A buffer is a section of memory in your computer which allows for the simultaneous writing and reading of information -- on YouTube the buffered section is represented by the red section of the video timeline. The YouTube video player reads video information from one section of the buffer while writing to another. This kind of multitasking allows for smoother playback of video during a continuous process of downloading which is especially helpful for slower connections. "
Google TV

New York Times reports that Google has partnered with Intel and Sony to create a TV platform powered by Android.
"Google and Intel have teamed with Sony to develop a platform called Google TV to bring the Web into the living room through a new generation of televisions and set-top boxes. (...) The partners envision technology that will make it as easy for TV users to navigate Web applications, like the Twitter social network and the Picasa photo site, as it is to change the channel. Google intends to open the Google TV platform, which is based on its Android operating system for cellphones, to software developers in the hopes of spurring the same creativity that the consumers have seen in phone apps."
The idea is not new, as many other companies tried to bring the Web to the TV. YouTube already has a version for large screens, Google already sells TV advertising and there are many Google apps that could improve the TV experience. New York Times says that Google's software will include a new interface for YouTube, a browser and other Android apps that will extend the functionality.
"Google has built a prototype set-top box, but the technology may be incorporated directly into TVs or other devices, like Blu-ray players. (...) A person with knowledge of the Google TV project said that the set-top box technology was sufficiently advanced that Google had begun testing it with Dish Network, one of Google's longstanding partners in the TV Ads program."
Sejarah Visual Basic
"Om Swastiastu"
Microsoft Visual Basic atau yang lebih akrab disebut VB merupakan bahasa pemrograman yang sangat mudah untuk dipelajari. Syntax yang digunakan berbahasa inggris, jadi sangat mudah sekali bagi kita para pemula mengerti bahasa pemrograman ini. VB adalah bahasa pemrograman yang event driven dan menawarkan Integrated Development Environment (IDE) visual untuk membuat program aplikasi berbasis sistem operasi Windows. Visual Basic merupakan turunan bahasa BASIC dan menawarkan pengembangan aplikasi komputer berbasis grafik dengan cepat serta akses ke database dengna Data Access Objects (DAO), Application (VBA), dan Visual Basic Scripting Edition (VBScript).
Bill Gates, penemu Microsoft, memulai bisnis softwarenya dengan mengembangkan interpreter bahasa BASIC untuk Altair 8800, untuk kemudian diubah agar dapat dijalankan diatas IBM-PC dengan sistem operasi DOS. Pengembangan selanjutnya ialah diluncurkannya BASICA (basic-advanced) untuk DOS. Setelah BASICA, Microsoft meluncurkan Microsoft Quick Basic dan Microsoft Basic. Sejarah BASIC di Micorosoft yang diinterpretasi dan juga bahasa yang dikompilasi membuat visual basic diimplementasikan sebagai gabungkan dari keduanya.
sumber: wikipedia
"Om Santhi, Santhi, Santhi, Om"
Microsoft Visual Basic atau yang lebih akrab disebut VB merupakan bahasa pemrograman yang sangat mudah untuk dipelajari. Syntax yang digunakan berbahasa inggris, jadi sangat mudah sekali bagi kita para pemula mengerti bahasa pemrograman ini. VB adalah bahasa pemrograman yang event driven dan menawarkan Integrated Development Environment (IDE) visual untuk membuat program aplikasi berbasis sistem operasi Windows. Visual Basic merupakan turunan bahasa BASIC dan menawarkan pengembangan aplikasi komputer berbasis grafik dengan cepat serta akses ke database dengna Data Access Objects (DAO), Application (VBA), dan Visual Basic Scripting Edition (VBScript).
Bill Gates, penemu Microsoft, memulai bisnis softwarenya dengan mengembangkan interpreter bahasa BASIC untuk Altair 8800, untuk kemudian diubah agar dapat dijalankan diatas IBM-PC dengan sistem operasi DOS. Pengembangan selanjutnya ialah diluncurkannya BASICA (basic-advanced) untuk DOS. Setelah BASICA, Microsoft meluncurkan Microsoft Quick Basic dan Microsoft Basic. Sejarah BASIC di Micorosoft yang diinterpretasi dan juga bahasa yang dikompilasi membuat visual basic diimplementasikan sebagai gabungkan dari keduanya.
sumber: wikipedia
"Om Santhi, Santhi, Santhi, Om"
Tweak Google Chrome's Translation Feature
Google Chrome 4.1 added a feature that detects the language of a web page and lets you translate it. The feature can't be disabled entirely (there's a setting for disabling it in the latest dev build), but you can hide the translation bar for certain languages. For example, if you go to Google Greece's homepage, there's an option button that lets you disable the translation bar for google.gr or for all Greek web pages.

The easiest way to disable the translation feature for the languages you're familiar with is to define a list of your preferred languages:
* click on the wrench menu, select Options, go to the "Under the hood" tab.
* click on "Change fonts and language settings" and go to the "Languages" tab.
* add the languages you use the read web pages.

The easiest way to disable the translation feature for the languages you're familiar with is to define a list of your preferred languages:
* click on the wrench menu, select Options, go to the "Under the hood" tab.
* click on "Change fonts and language settings" and go to the "Languages" tab.
* add the languages you use the read web pages.

Google Chrome 4.1, Now Available
Google Chrome 4.1 for Windows doesn't add too many new features, but it's a very interesting release.
Google Chrome is the only browser that automatically translates web pages written in foreign languages. It's a great feature, previously available in Google Toolbar and in a Chrome extension, that's now included in a browser. Besides using the best free machine translation service available today and translating pages inline, Google Chrome uses a language detection algorithm that doesn't require a connection to Google's servers. The language detection library is open source and any developer can use it.
"For most languages, the library determines the language of a page by breaking down its text in quadgrams, or sequences of up to four characters. The library then looks up each quadgram in a large hashtable that contains language probabilities, which is included in the Chrome binaries. This hashtable was originally built by processing language probabilities over billions of web pages library are indexed by Google's search engine. In just a few milliseconds, the library can accurately determine the language of most web pages."
The second new feature is an improved content filtering dialog that lets you selectively disable images, cookies, JavaScript and plug-ins. It's almost like having a less sophisticated version of the NoScript extension for Firefox. You can disable JavaScript for all sites and whitelist the sites you trust, you can block third-party cookies or block images from a domain.

Chrome's blog mentions that Google Update no longer generates an unique ID for each Chrome installation. "We've implemented a new approach to our Google Update technology, which allows us to remove the unique ID from Google Update while still preserving our ability to determine the number of active users and keep everyone up-to-date with the latest security updates and speed improvements." There's also a page that explains the privacy controls that are available in Google Chrome.
Chrome is more cluttered (translation infobars and content filtering icons should be more discreet), better suited for advanced users and it's updated faster: 4.1 is an intermediary version released two months after Chrome 4.0.
Google Chrome is the only browser that automatically translates web pages written in foreign languages. It's a great feature, previously available in Google Toolbar and in a Chrome extension, that's now included in a browser. Besides using the best free machine translation service available today and translating pages inline, Google Chrome uses a language detection algorithm that doesn't require a connection to Google's servers. The language detection library is open source and any developer can use it.
"For most languages, the library determines the language of a page by breaking down its text in quadgrams, or sequences of up to four characters. The library then looks up each quadgram in a large hashtable that contains language probabilities, which is included in the Chrome binaries. This hashtable was originally built by processing language probabilities over billions of web pages library are indexed by Google's search engine. In just a few milliseconds, the library can accurately determine the language of most web pages."
The second new feature is an improved content filtering dialog that lets you selectively disable images, cookies, JavaScript and plug-ins. It's almost like having a less sophisticated version of the NoScript extension for Firefox. You can disable JavaScript for all sites and whitelist the sites you trust, you can block third-party cookies or block images from a domain.

Chrome's blog mentions that Google Update no longer generates an unique ID for each Chrome installation. "We've implemented a new approach to our Google Update technology, which allows us to remove the unique ID from Google Update while still preserving our ability to determine the number of active users and keep everyone up-to-date with the latest security updates and speed improvements." There's also a page that explains the privacy controls that are available in Google Chrome.
Chrome is more cluttered (translation infobars and content filtering icons should be more discreet), better suited for advanced users and it's updated faster: 4.1 is an intermediary version released two months after Chrome 4.0.
Batere Laptop Lebih Tahan Lama Di Windows XP
"Om Swastiastu"

Sekarang waktu pake Windows XP. Dipake browsing atau main game, laptop bisa lebih tahan lama. Hmmm, ada yang tahu ga kenapa bisa seperti ini? Adakah pengaruh perbedaan sistem operasi bisa membuat penghematan terhadap penggunaan daya batere?
"Om Santhi, Santhi, Santhi, Om"
Setelah sempat mendowngrade OS laptop saya ke Windows XP agar bisa lebih enak main LUNA Online. Ada perbedaan mencolok yang sempat saya rasakan ketika menggunakan Windows XP. Batere laptop saya jadi lebih tahan lama ketika menggunakan Windows XP. Ada pengaruhnya kah? Saya sendiri ga tahu, kerena saya bukan pakarnya. Tapi inilah yang saya rasakan. Ketika menggunakan Windows Seven, batere laptop cepat sekali habisnya. Padahal dulu bisa tahan sampe 2 jam lho!
Sekarang waktu pake Windows XP. Dipake browsing atau main game, laptop bisa lebih tahan lama. Hmmm, ada yang tahu ga kenapa bisa seperti ini? Adakah pengaruh perbedaan sistem operasi bisa membuat penghematan terhadap penggunaan daya batere?
"Om Santhi, Santhi, Santhi, Om"
Data Mining Using Google
Today's xkcd comic is about quantitative Google queries. Randall Munroe found the number of search results for queries like "My IQ is X", where X is a variable, and plotted a graph for each query. While the results aren't reliable (Google only shows an estimation for the number of search results), it's an interesting way to mine Google's index of the web.

If you are familiar with Google Spreadsheets, try to create a sheet that lets you enter a query like "My IQ is X", a variable name and the values for that variable. The result should be a graph that shows the number of Google search results for each instance of your query. Use importXML and an XPath expression to find the number of Google search results: "//p[@id='resultStats']/b[3]". Here's an example.
{ Image licensed as Creative Commons Attributions-Noncommercial. }

If you are familiar with Google Spreadsheets, try to create a sheet that lets you enter a query like "My IQ is X", a variable name and the values for that variable. The result should be a graph that shows the number of Google search results for each instance of your query. Use importXML and an XPath expression to find the number of Google search results: "//p[@id='resultStats']/b[3]". Here's an example.
{ Image licensed as Creative Commons Attributions-Noncommercial. }
Download Ben 10 Alien Swarm (Not Cartoon! Real People)
"Om Swastiastu"
Temen-temen pasti udah ada yang tahu kan yang namanya Ben 10. Film kartun yang tayang tiap hari minggu siang. Nah, kali ini Ben 10 telah hadir dalam versi manusia ASLI! So, gag ada kartun lagi deh. Ceritanya juga bagus. Tokoh-tokohnya juga banyak yang mirip dengan versi kartunnya. Tonton aja deh. Nih download linknya.
"Om Santhi, Santhi, Santhi, Om"
Temen-temen pasti udah ada yang tahu kan yang namanya Ben 10. Film kartun yang tayang tiap hari minggu siang. Nah, kali ini Ben 10 telah hadir dalam versi manusia ASLI! So, gag ada kartun lagi deh. Ceritanya juga bagus. Tokoh-tokohnya juga banyak yang mirip dengan versi kartunnya. Tonton aja deh. Nih download linknya.
"Om Santhi, Santhi, Santhi, Om"
Tips Sukses Evo Pet Dari King Moo Moo ke Fly Female/Male Dryad di SEAL Online
"Om Swastiastu"
Hi teman-teman, bagi kalian yang main SEAL Online. Ada sedikit tips nih untuk evolusi pet SEAL Online. Bagi yang memiliki pet dari Seed, dan ingin mengevolusikannya ke Fly Female/Male Dryad, ada tips menarik yang bisa membuat evo pet kalian berjalan sukses sesuai keinginan kalian. Dari penelusuran yang IT Programmer lakukan ke sesama pemain SEAL. Ternyata selain bahan-bahan yang pas, ada timing yang tepat juga untuk evo pet ke Fly Female/Male Dryad ini.
Banyak yang bilang, untuk sukses evo pet dari Warrior Moo Moo ke Fly Male Dryad kalian harus evo pet waktu abis maintenance server SEAL Online. Yaitu hari kamis, sekitar jam 1 sampai jam 3 siang. Nah, saya sudah pernah nyoba sekali dan sukses. Pet saya sukses evo dari Warrior Moo Moo ke Male Dryad.
Atau kalau kalian memiliki pet Warrior Beanie dan sejenisnya. Sama saja. Evo pet kalian sehabis maintenance server. Sekitar jam 1 sampai jam 3 siang. Ini tips khusus untuk pemain yang memiliki pet dari Seed. Semoga berguna. ^_^
Baca selengkapnya untuk info terlengkap.. ^_^
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Hi teman-teman, bagi kalian yang main SEAL Online. Ada sedikit tips nih untuk evolusi pet SEAL Online. Bagi yang memiliki pet dari Seed, dan ingin mengevolusikannya ke Fly Female/Male Dryad, ada tips menarik yang bisa membuat evo pet kalian berjalan sukses sesuai keinginan kalian. Dari penelusuran yang IT Programmer lakukan ke sesama pemain SEAL. Ternyata selain bahan-bahan yang pas, ada timing yang tepat juga untuk evo pet ke Fly Female/Male Dryad ini.
Banyak yang bilang, untuk sukses evo pet dari Warrior Moo Moo ke Fly Male Dryad kalian harus evo pet waktu abis maintenance server SEAL Online. Yaitu hari kamis, sekitar jam 1 sampai jam 3 siang. Nah, saya sudah pernah nyoba sekali dan sukses. Pet saya sukses evo dari Warrior Moo Moo ke Male Dryad.
Atau kalau kalian memiliki pet Warrior Beanie dan sejenisnya. Sama saja. Evo pet kalian sehabis maintenance server. Sekitar jam 1 sampai jam 3 siang. Ini tips khusus untuk pemain yang memiliki pet dari Seed. Semoga berguna. ^_^
Baca selengkapnya untuk info terlengkap.. ^_^
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Mencari Nilai Kuadran dari X dan Y dalam C++
"Om Swastiastu"
Berhubung sebelumnya banyak yang ingin menanyakan seputar program ini di email dan facebook saya. Saya coba memberikan solusi. Dan berhubung saya lupa dengan materi ini. Jadi saya langsungkan saja memberi source code tanpa harus mengulas materi terlebih dahulu. ^_^
Tapi saya diberikan rumus untuk mencari nilai kuadran tersebut. Ini dia rumusnya:
Jika x = (+) dan y = (+) maka nilai tersebut ada dalam kuadran 1
Jika x = (-) dan y = (+) maka nilai tersebut ada dalam kuadran 2
Jika x = (-) dan y = (-) maka nilai tersebut ada dalam kuadran 3
Jika x = (+) dan y = (-) maka nilai tersebut ada dalam kuadran 4
X bernilai positif, artinya x lebih besar dari nol. Jadi kita pakai x>0.
X bernilai negatif artinya x lebih kecil dari nol. Jadi kita pakai x<0.
Ini dia source code dari program mencari nilai kuadran X dan Y.
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Berhubung sebelumnya banyak yang ingin menanyakan seputar program ini di email dan facebook saya. Saya coba memberikan solusi. Dan berhubung saya lupa dengan materi ini. Jadi saya langsungkan saja memberi source code tanpa harus mengulas materi terlebih dahulu. ^_^
Tapi saya diberikan rumus untuk mencari nilai kuadran tersebut. Ini dia rumusnya:
Jika x = (+) dan y = (+) maka nilai tersebut ada dalam kuadran 1
Jika x = (-) dan y = (+) maka nilai tersebut ada dalam kuadran 2
Jika x = (-) dan y = (-) maka nilai tersebut ada dalam kuadran 3
Jika x = (+) dan y = (-) maka nilai tersebut ada dalam kuadran 4
X bernilai positif, artinya x lebih besar dari nol. Jadi kita pakai x>0.
X bernilai negatif artinya x lebih kecil dari nol. Jadi kita pakai x<0.
Ini dia source code dari program mencari nilai kuadran X dan Y.
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Program Konversi Celcius ke Fahrenheit
"Om Swastiastu"
Udah lama ga post gara-gara sibuk buat persiapan Hari Raya Nyepi, sekarang pas Hari Raya Nyepinya dapat freetime buat post. Hehehehe, nah, kali ini saya ingin memberikan source code dari program konversi celcius ke fahrenheit. Sebelum kita beranjak pada source codenya, ada baiknya kita bahas dulu sedikit tentang celcius ke fahrenheit.
Waktu kalian SD atau SMP, pastinya kalian sudah mempelajari ilmu tentang suhu dan konversinya. Nah, tentu ada rumus untuk mengkonversi suhu tersebut. Berikut adalah rumus konversi celcius ke fahrenheit:
Fahrenheit = 9/5 x celcius + 32.
9/5 = 1,8. Jadi kita bisa menggunakan 1,8 x celcius + 32.
Berikut adalah source codenya:
#include <iostream.h>
#include <conio.h>
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Udah lama ga post gara-gara sibuk buat persiapan Hari Raya Nyepi, sekarang pas Hari Raya Nyepinya dapat freetime buat post. Hehehehe, nah, kali ini saya ingin memberikan source code dari program konversi celcius ke fahrenheit. Sebelum kita beranjak pada source codenya, ada baiknya kita bahas dulu sedikit tentang celcius ke fahrenheit.
Waktu kalian SD atau SMP, pastinya kalian sudah mempelajari ilmu tentang suhu dan konversinya. Nah, tentu ada rumus untuk mengkonversi suhu tersebut. Berikut adalah rumus konversi celcius ke fahrenheit:
Fahrenheit = 9/5 x celcius + 32.
9/5 = 1,8. Jadi kita bisa menggunakan 1,8 x celcius + 32.
Berikut adalah source codenya:
#include <conio.h>
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Google Book Search's Irrelevant Suggestions
You probably noticed that Google's search services show different suggestions. For example, when you type "us" in Google Image Search, the first suggestion is "us map". Typing "us" in Google Web Search doesn't return the same suggestion: "us bank" is more popular. It makes sense to restrict the suggestions to queries that are popular in each specialized search engine because they're actually relevant.
Google Book Search seems to be the only Google service that shows irrelevant suggestions. When you type "shak", the top suggestions are "shakira" and "shake weight", even if "shakespeare" would be much more appropriate. Obviously, Google uses suggestions from the web search engine and "Shakira" is a more popular query than "Shakespeare".

"Suit the action to the word, the word to the action." (Hamlet)
Google Book Search seems to be the only Google service that shows irrelevant suggestions. When you type "shak", the top suggestions are "shakira" and "shake weight", even if "shakespeare" would be much more appropriate. Obviously, Google uses suggestions from the web search engine and "Shakira" is a more popular query than "Shakespeare".

"Suit the action to the word, the word to the action." (Hamlet)
Google and Apple
New York Times has an interesting article about the evolution of Google's relationship with Apple. If three years ago Google was an important partner for Apple, Android's launch and its growing popularity eroded the relationship.
"In the last six months, Apple and Google have jousted over acquisitions, patents, directors, advisers and iPhone applications. This month, Apple sued HTC, the Taiwanese maker of mobile phones that run Google's Android operating system, contending that HTC had violated iPhone patents. The move was widely seen as the beginning of a legal assault by Apple on Google itself, as well as an attempt to slow Google's plans to extend its dominion to mobile devices."
While Steve Jobs, Apple's visionary CEO, says that "Google wants to kill the iPhone" and "<<Don't be evil>> is a load of crap", Google's co-founders "spoke very openly about their admiration for Jobs and how he's a role model for them." It's an interesting antithesis between Apple and Google that goes beyond the openness of the mobile ecosystem: for Google, the process is more important than the results. Android's goal is to "get mobile OS development moving more rapidly" and that's not a selfish ambition.
This quote is meaningful:
"People close to the company say [that Larry Page and Sergey Brin] are disappointed that the relationship with Apple has soured. Still, they and other Google executives see the company's push to open up the industry and to succeed in mobile computing as too important to sacrifice just to placate Mr. Jobs."
Google doesn't want to "kill the iPhone", it only wants to push things forward.
"In the last six months, Apple and Google have jousted over acquisitions, patents, directors, advisers and iPhone applications. This month, Apple sued HTC, the Taiwanese maker of mobile phones that run Google's Android operating system, contending that HTC had violated iPhone patents. The move was widely seen as the beginning of a legal assault by Apple on Google itself, as well as an attempt to slow Google's plans to extend its dominion to mobile devices."
While Steve Jobs, Apple's visionary CEO, says that "Google wants to kill the iPhone" and "<<Don't be evil>> is a load of crap", Google's co-founders "spoke very openly about their admiration for Jobs and how he's a role model for them." It's an interesting antithesis between Apple and Google that goes beyond the openness of the mobile ecosystem: for Google, the process is more important than the results. Android's goal is to "get mobile OS development moving more rapidly" and that's not a selfish ambition.
This quote is meaningful:
"People close to the company say [that Larry Page and Sergey Brin] are disappointed that the relationship with Apple has soured. Still, they and other Google executives see the company's push to open up the industry and to succeed in mobile computing as too important to sacrifice just to placate Mr. Jobs."
Google doesn't want to "kill the iPhone", it only wants to push things forward.
Gmail Contextual Gadgets
Gmail has released a few Gmail Labs features that show useful information related to your messages. Gmail's gadgets detect links to YouTube videos, Flickr photos, Google Docs documents or Yelp reviews and show previews below the email. The gadget that lets you preview YouTube videos is now a standard Gmail feature, while the other gadgets can be enabled in Gmail Labs.
Wouldn't be nice to develop similar gadgets for previewing content from other sites, for showing public information about the sender or for performing repetitive tasks directly from Gmail? Google Apps started to offer an API for contextual Gmail gadgets, but it's only available for trusted testers.
"These gadgets can smartly draw information from the web and let users perform relevant actions based on the content of an email message, all without leaving the Gmail inbox."
Google says that these gadgets "can boost employee productivity by complementing email in a context-specific and actionable way", but I'm sure that they're a great way to extend Gmail for all users. For example, a cool gadget for Blogger users could let you moderate comments without opening a new page or reply to comment directly from Gmail.
Wouldn't be nice to develop similar gadgets for previewing content from other sites, for showing public information about the sender or for performing repetitive tasks directly from Gmail? Google Apps started to offer an API for contextual Gmail gadgets, but it's only available for trusted testers.
"These gadgets can smartly draw information from the web and let users perform relevant actions based on the content of an email message, all without leaving the Gmail inbox."
Google says that these gadgets "can boost employee productivity by complementing email in a context-specific and actionable way", but I'm sure that they're a great way to extend Gmail for all users. For example, a cool gadget for Blogger users could let you moderate comments without opening a new page or reply to comment directly from Gmail.
Google Explains its Core Businesses
Google tries to explain in three beautiful videos the main principles behind its three core businesses: search, ads and apps. "Search is our core technology; ads are our central business proposition; and apps are the umbrella over our web-based software that you can access anywhere, any time," according to Google.
How Google search works: Google creates an index of the web pages it can find and it returns the most relevant results by evaluating more than 200 quality factors. Google's search results are impartial, they're clearly separated from ads and they're returned in less than half a second.
How Google's search ads work: when you do a Google web search, you see ads only when they're relevant. Ads complement search results by offering useful information, especially for commercial queries. Google's ad system is designed to rank higher the ads that are actually useful.
How Google Apps works: it's an online suite of communication and collaboration tools. All the applications and all your data is stored online, so they're not attached to a specific computer. There's nothing to download or install and you can access your files from almost any computer or mobile device.
Sometimes it's difficult to explain the things you are working on because they're familiar to you and they seem obvious. For example, a common misconception about Google search is that Google actually visits all the web pages every time you perform a web search. Of course, that would be extremely inefficient and you would no longer see the results almost instantly.
How Google search works: Google creates an index of the web pages it can find and it returns the most relevant results by evaluating more than 200 quality factors. Google's search results are impartial, they're clearly separated from ads and they're returned in less than half a second.
How Google's search ads work: when you do a Google web search, you see ads only when they're relevant. Ads complement search results by offering useful information, especially for commercial queries. Google's ad system is designed to rank higher the ads that are actually useful.
How Google Apps works: it's an online suite of communication and collaboration tools. All the applications and all your data is stored online, so they're not attached to a specific computer. There's nothing to download or install and you can access your files from almost any computer or mobile device.
Sometimes it's difficult to explain the things you are working on because they're familiar to you and they seem obvious. For example, a common misconception about Google search is that Google actually visits all the web pages every time you perform a web search. Of course, that would be extremely inefficient and you would no longer see the results almost instantly.
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