You're currently using Firefox. Our site supports only Internet Explorer 6 on Windows XP SP2.
[Linux, Mac audiences leave. A part of the Windows XP SP2 audience opens Internet Explorer 6...]
Welcome to our great high-quality video site. Here you'll find high-quality music videos, trailers and viral videos.
You can select a video from our huge collection of videos.
[Selecting a Shakira video from their 20 hi-q videos.]
To download this video, you need an ActiveX. Would you like to install it?
[Clicking OK three times on different warnings and strange dialogs. The ActiveX installs, along with a desktop icon, a Start Menu icon, a system tray icon and probably many other shortcuts.]
The video is now downloading. Please wait until our software downloads 100 MB of high-quality video.
[Waiting to download the video. Fortunately, I have a broadband connection, so I have to wait only 7-8 minutes. The player opens.]
Upgrading Windows Media... You need a new component for Windows Media Player. Please upgrade...
[I click on upgrade.]
The component could not be upgraded.
[A brief ad begins.]

Any connection with AOL Hi-Q Video is coincidental.