This is the schedule of a typical day of work for Marissa:
8:00 a.m. Wake-up, get ready for work
9:00 a.m. Arrive at work, take conference call about a new technology
10:00 a.m. Meeting with Udi Manber, VP of engineering to discuss search, engineering staffing, etc.
10:30 a.m. Meet with Associate Product Managers to brief and prepare for upcoming international business trip
12:00 noon Product review with Larry and Sergey; review product direction and strategy and potential future collaborations
1:00 p.m. UI (User Interface) review to review/approve user interface designs/changes for multiple products
3:00 p.m. Meet with a new member of my team to welcome him and discuss career goals/trajectory
3:30 p.m. Meeting with Google Video product manager
4:00 p.m. Google Product Strategy meeting with Eric, Larry, Sergey, and other executives to go over weekly site traffic and a few special topics
5:00 p.m. Executive strategy meeting on Google China
6:00 p.m. Office Hours
8:30 p.m. Catch up on the day's e-mail
11:15 p.m. Visit to the Google Gym to run
12:00 a.m. Go home
12:30 a.m. Watch TV, do e-mail
3:00 a.m. Go to bed
I wonder how does she manage to do all this in a single day and sleeping only 5 hours?
Marissa Mayer's profile on Orkut
Marissa prefers Pine to Gmail
She admits Google Video Store's launch was a failure
Stanford lecture - Marissa Mayer's ideas about innovation