What's a birthday without a small change? Customize Talk found a nice Easter egg: if you change the date of your computer to August 24, Google Talk's logo will change. That means more than 44,000 users will have a big surprise tomorrow.

One year ago, Google Talk's Chad Thornton wrote:
"Designers rarely get to work on their dream projects. When I was researching instant messaging in grad school, the prospect of designing a new instant messaging product was fanciful at best. When I came to Google, the odds improved a bit. When I became the designer on Google Talk, it still didn't quite seem real until we launched today.
Google Talk is far from perfect, but it's a start, and we chose to start with simplicity. Big plans are in the works, but for now I'm enjoying it for what it is. Hope you do too."
I think it's on the right track.
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