Hi bloggers, I just have installing Championship Manager 2010. Would you want to play it too? Here I will give you the download link and also a little review about the game. Ough, using English is too hard for me to explain about this game. So, I'll just explain the game in Indonesian language. But if you don't understand, I can tell you this game is pretty damn cool than the last version!! And this game also full version (crack inside & the file format is .iso). You have to try it by yourself! I'll give you the download link in the last page of this post.
Oke, Championship Manager adalah sebuah game manager sepakbola yang udah terkenal banget dari dulu. Sekarang udah memasuki versi 2010 nya. Gue udah cobain sebentar, keren banget coi! Beda banget dengan versi terdahulu nya. Banyak perbaikan yang ada di game ini dibanding versi terdahulunya. Contohnya tampilan menu saat bermain yang halus (bikin betah main lama-lama and mata jadi ga sakit), 3D match yang halus and gerakan nya juga relative. Nih gue kasi gambar-gambar preview gamenya.