facebook status - Comprehensive Guide to StumbleUpon

complete guide to stumbleUponStumbleUpon is not just another social bookmarking site, because it will drive tons (thousands) of traffic to a blog/website within minutes. But you must know how to use it effectively and how it works. This will be a comprehensive and complete guide on StumbleUpon and its features.

Basics of StumbleUpon;

The system of StumbleUpon allows you to search latest and interesting articles related to your favorites. System learns about your interests from you while you are using the service and provide you the relevant content that you are most interested.

This is totally different from searching for the content via major search engines. On StumbleUpon you will get the content enjoyed by the StumbleUpon members and the community.

Earlier they have given a tool bar which can be installed to Firefox and Internet Explorer. But now you don’t need to install any of those tool bars since they provide a top tool bar once you load the page on your browser.

Let’s see what the use of this toolbar is. There are three important buttons on this tool bar. Namely they are Stumble button, Thumb Up button and Thumb Down button. Each time you clicked on stumble button, you will be taken to a new story by depending on your interests.  Then Thumb Up button donate that you like a particular post. Thumb Down button donate that you don’t like that post. Then the system of stumbleUpon count what you like and give content that related to what you like. The other important use of Thumb up button is it will recommend that particular content to the more and more people. If you get more thumb ups you will get more visitors.

Following diagram will show you how the system is working.

How stumbleUpon works

If this is the first time you are going to use StumbleUpon, following tips will be helpful to you. This will help you to get the maximum out of StumbleUpon. So go forward and read it to learn all the features that StumbleUpon possess.

For Regular Readers; 

At the beginning you need to sign up with StumbleUpon. At this point StumbleUpon will ask for your interests. I selected “Internet”, “Weblogs”, “Web Development” and “SEO” as my interests. Depending on your interests stumbleUpon will show you the content.  So it is very important to show what you actually interested.

Even though it is not necessary to update your profile, I highly recommend you to update your profile since it provides positive impact on StumbleUpon members who are visiting your profile. Make sure to upload your photo or an image (Avatar) to your profile. Your image should be easily recognizable and memorized. The image will show along with your comments and reviews.

The Description should be short but descriptive. You should tell who you are and what you are and where you are. Add your site URL or About Us URL insite the description. Then yeople who are interested on you will visit your profile to read more about you. Later few people will become your followers.

Intersted topics are not the only way to read content on StumbleUpon, you can follow other members and share your Tool bar with them. Once posted some content you will see it via your toolbar. So you can use these StumbleUpon connections to get more stuff.

For Webmasters/Website owners;

What Iexplained above is more than enough to find out the great content you liked to read. But it is not enough for a webmaster to bring traffic to a blog/website. So read the tips for the webmasters to bring traffic to their blog/website from StumbleUpon.

Here I want to stress you StumbleUpon is one of the greatest and easiest way to bring a huge traffic to a blog/website. Unlike Digg, Reddit or other Social bookmarking sites, StumbleUpon will bring tons of traffic to a blog/website by clicking few mouse clicks. Once it sent me 5000 visitors within 6 hours. So this is a great source of traffic to a blog/website.

Recently I figured out that I am not getting a huge traffic via my followers, but I got more traffic from the people who are coming through their interests. So what you need to do is just post your content and share it with others as much as possible to get considerable amount of thumb ups.

Following few tips are common for any social networks to get more traffic;

1.    Make your post title more attractive

Eye catching titles will be visited more. Your title should generate some curiosity on the mind of the reader to follow that particular link.

2.    Make a good description

Make a relevant, short and descriptive review on your article. It will also make the reader more curious to follow your link.

3.    Post your article under the correct category

This is very important on stumbleupon. You should place your post under the correct category to get more traffic from it.

4.    Post high quality posts with enough quantity.

Both quality and quantity is very important when considering number of thumb ups. High quality content will get more thumb ups than the low quality content.

5.    Be active and help friends

Active people will get more thumbs up than the inactive, sleepy once. So be active.

You can either post text, images or videos on StumbleUpon. The important is not that what you post but how it interacts with people. So post whatever you want, which will fixed with people’s needs. Sometimes image or videos will make a difference for you. Try it out.

Well, now this will be more than enough for all the webmasters to bring traffic from StumbleUpon. I am also using StumbleUpon to drive traffic to my blogs. My StumbleUpon name is Techmaker. If you like our site, please feel free to follow us on StumbleUpon.

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