Keyword Research: The most important step in the website creation
Before analyzing the second step, we should have understood perfectly what is SEO here. When you build a website, you should consider how someone finds your site through search engines (Google, Yahoo, Bing) You should target some words and phrases (keywords) that when someone puts them in the search bar of Google,your site will be displayed in the first search results. This ensures high traffic to your website and high traffic will result to a higher revenue either from Google Adsense either from Affiliate Marketing.
For example if you want to build a website on the «alternative energy » topic (alternative energy), then you should specify the keywords that when someone puts in the Google search bar, your website will be displayed in the first search results. Obviously, this ensures high traffic to our website, as most users navigate to the websites that appear in the first search results. Keyword can be any word or phrase used in this process. In our example, keywords could be: alternative energy sources, alternative energy, renewable energy, what is alternative energy, alternative energy pros etc. So putting these terms in the search bar of Google you want your site to appear in the first search results.
As you can see in the picture here, your target is to have your website being displayed in the first search results for your targeted keywords. In this example we used the keyword "alternative energy".
In this example, for the keyword alternative energy, these websites receive the larger amount of traffic :
These websites are being displayed in the first search results and most of the internet users who put the term "alternative energy" will visit these websites to find more info about this topic. So, your target through the keyword research process is to build a website focusing on keywords that can help your website rank higher in search engines in order to receive free traffic from them. You need to find keywords that have many searches per month and low competition.
Low competition means that the websites that are being displayed in the first search results are not search engine optimized and they are not completely targeted to the selected keyword.
Low competition means that the websites that are being displayed in the first search results are not search engine optimized and they are not completely targeted to the selected keyword.
Why keywords are important ?
- Whichever way you will use to make your website (wordpress, weebly, website tonight, etc) you will be asked todefine in some fields what are the keywords (tag, meta) describing more precisely your website in order for the search engines to “understand” what is the content of our website. That means that if someone puts in the search enginge bar one of the keywords you want to rank for , your website will appear in the search results. You define keywords a) for your site in general and b) for each article separately (page or post or category). These fields will appear while creating your website.It is recommended not to define more than 10 keywords in each of these fields.
- Keywords that you will target, should often appear in the content of your published articles, the titles of these articles,your videos etc. So, search engines do not “identify” the topic of the website only from the fields where we specified the keywords. Simultaneously they “scan” the entire content of your website to locate those keywords invarious areas of our website. If you define keywords, which do not appear in the texts of our website, this contributes to the degradation of the quality of your website, and maybe it will not appear in the search engine results for none of your targeted keywords !
FREE Download Software for Creating Keywords
FREE Download Software for Creating Keywords
How to find keywords helping your website to rank higher in search results?
If you put, for example, the term “alternative energy” and press search, then this tool will give us two very important info:
- What are the words directly related to the term «alternative energy» on which we can focus on and what words or phrases describe the same concept differently.
- How many searches a month these keywords have . So how many times a month internet users put these words in the search bar of Google (monthly searches)
Making this process and selecting on “Monthly searches” the keywords appear shortened by monthly searches. Of course, the more often one keyword is being put in the Google bar, the more important it is for us. Doing this process, you will find keywords with 100 searches per month, 1000 searches per month 100000 searches per month etc. It is highly recommended to focus on keywords that have at least 5000 searches per month. Although, if you don't have the time to update your website you can focus on keywords with 1000 searches per month but your revenue will not be so high. In order to find these keywords you should try to identify the most “competitive” ones! (To do this process well, remember to click "exact" in the appropriate field under the "Match Types" on your left)
Since you have chosen the topic of your website you should find at least 10-20 related keywords to your topic through the Adwords Keyword Tool. Select them according to the number of monthly searches.
In order to build your website, you can't focus on all these keywords, you should focus on one keyword firstly. In order to find the keyword you should focus on, you have to find the most competitive one among these 10-20 keywords you have selected.
What are competitive keywords?
When the same keyword is being “used” by many sites that have high PR, it is normal that there is no sense in using it while we just created our website and we can not be competitive yet. For example if we put the word “diet”in the search bar of Google, we get in the first search results websites with PR 4,5, or 6, so,it is unlikely for our website to occur in the first results since it has just been created. Obviously the sites that have targeted the keyword «diet» and have a high PR will appear firs in search results. We need to spend a lot of time and maybe money to be able to compete high traffic keywords with high competition
So what we need to see is what are the competitive keywords which have many monthly searches and at the same time they are not used by many other “high quality” websites or there are not many websites that focus on these keywords. In fact with the Adwords Keyword Tool we take advantage of the fact that one concept can be described by different words. For example if we want to build a website on the diet theme, the meaning inherent in the word “diet” can be described also with the phrases “lose weight”, “diet plan”, “diet program”, “healthy diet”, “weight loss plan”, “how to lose weight healthy and fast”, etc. So by this strategy, you search for words or phrases that are related to your main theme and in the first search results for these keywords, you don't see websites of high PR ,or highly targeted.
Continuing the example, you see that the keyword: «quickest way to lose weight» has 18,000 searches a month but if you put it in the Keyword in the search bar of Google, you can see that within the first 10 search results websites with PR zero will be displayed. This means that you can target this keyword as sites that have already targeted this keyword don’t have high Google Page Rank. In the first 10 results you should see at least one result with PR 0 or 1.
You need to know how much targeted these websites are. That means that you need to know if the websites that appear in the first 10 search results are high targeted to this specific keyword.
What means "targeted website" ?
Targeted website is a website that its content is fully targeted to one or more specific keywords. For example if you see that the first 10 websites that appear in the first search results use the keyword "quickest way to lose weight" in their website title, in their meta description field (this is the field that you set a description of your website in order to help search engines identify the content of your website) and in H1 tag ( this is a text format that you use for a specific phrase in order to show that the meaning of this phrase is very important for the current webpage), then you can cosider these websites as targeted websites to this keyword.
So, what you want is keywords with at least 5000 searches per month and in the first 10 results low PR and low targeted websites.
How can you automate the keyword research process ?
As far as locating the keywords that have many searches per month, you simply visit Adwords keyword tool. In order to find quickly if the 10 first results of the keywords that interest you have low PR and are low targeted to this keyword you need the help of a great software "Traffic Travis"
You can check a screenshot of Traffic Travis to see how quickly you will get all the results you want.
This screenshot comes from the free version of Traffic Travis. If you purchase the full version of Traffic Travis, you can search for hundreds of keywords at the same time and have the abilty to select the best.
So, what you need to find doing keyword research is being displayed clearly here:
Focusing on these keyword means that in many areas of our site, you will include the phrase «quickest way to lose weight» By“area” we mean the domain name, articles, titles of the articles, image names, etc. Having thus completed all the steps work, then it is very likely that your website appears in the first search results . This means that most of 18,000 internet users who type this keyword in Google search bar will end up to your website.
By this process you identify keywords to use for your site. Of course, it is not enough to put the keywords in your articles and the content of your website to have your site ranked high. There are lots of other things you should take into consideration. In the next worksteps you will have the chance to go through them.
Generally, keyword research is a very big topic in internet marketing. There are many factors that you should have in consideration in order to find a keyword that will bring traffic to your website. Here we determined the most important factors.This is sufficient to help you choose right keywords.
After you identify the keywords that you will focus on using them in the rest work steps, in order to “build” your site based on keywords capable to bring you traffic.
Of course, the keywords are mainly for the SEO process , ie traffic from search engines. Search engines, however, is not the only traffic source of our site. In the last step “Promotion Site” you will see that there are many traffic sources for your website, that are also free.
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