YouTube Shows Video Info

If you visit, right-click on a YouTube video and you'll find a new option: "show video info". YouTube displays a lot of information about the current video: resolution, bitrate, frame rate, file size, the number of dropped frames, volume. There's also an option to copy information useful for debugging.

In other YouTube news, Chad Hurley posts that the site serves more than one billion videos a day. "Three years after the acquisition, our platform and our business continue to grow and evolve. We are still committed to the same principles that informed the site early on, but we know things have changed. As bandwidth has increased, so has our video quality. (...) We're working hard to keep up with the fast pace of technology to bring you everything you would expect from the world's largest video site: better quality; a full spectrum of choices and tools for users, partners and advertisers; and ways to make the YouTube experience your own anywhere, anytime."

Sergey Brin on Google Books Settlement

There's been a lot of talk about the Google Books settlement that would allow Google to provide access to out-of-print books in the US. This would unlock a lot of valuable information and would make it available in the Google Books interface.

New York Times published a thoughtful op-ed piece by Sergey Brin called "A Library to Last Forever", which tries to explain why the settlement is beneficial to everyone.
The vast majority of books ever written are not accessible to anyone except the most tenacious researchers at premier academic libraries. Books written after 1923 quickly disappear into a literary black hole. With rare exceptions, one can buy them only for the small number of years they are in print. After that, they are found only in a vanishing number of libraries and used book stores. (...)

[Some] have questioned the impact of the agreement on competition, or asserted that it would limit consumer choice with respect to out-of-print books. In reality, nothing in this agreement precludes any other company or organization from pursuing their own similar effort. The agreement limits consumer choice in out-of-print books about as much as it limits consumer choice in unicorns. Today, if you want to access a typical out-of-print book, you have only one choice — fly to one of a handful of leading libraries in the country and hope to find it in the stacks.

I wish there were a hundred services with which I could easily look at such a book; it would have saved me a lot of time, and it would have spared Google a tremendous amount of effort. But despite a number of important digitization efforts to date (Google has even helped fund others, including some by the Library of Congress), none have been at a comparable scale, simply because no one else has chosen to invest the requisite resources.

{ via Tom Stocky }

A Central Place for All Your Google Files

Google Sites added some new features: integration with Picasa Web Albums, feeds, custom templates.

The "insert" dialog from Google Sites is Google's first attempt to aggregate the user generated data from the most important Google services: documents, spreadsheets, forms, presentations, calendars, custom maps, photos, bookmarks. Everything is searchable and you can see a list of most of the documents created using Google services.

We'll probably see this dialog more often when Google adds it to Gmail, Google Calendar or when it morphs into a full-fledged service.

If you don't like that the dialog is part of Google Sites, there's a direct URL for the document picker (internally named "Google OnePick"), but you can't use it to open files.

Handbody yang Expired

"Om Swastiastu"

Ini adalah salah satu cerita yang mengesankan dalam hidupku yang terjadi 2 hari yang lalu, sekaligus menjadi pengalaman agar tak terulang kembali di masa depan..hehe..
Well, ceritanya gini, dulu waktu gue baru pertama kuliah (udah setahun lebih deh kayakna..), gue kan beli perfum tuh, maaf gue gag sebutin merk nya..hehehe..nah, didalam kotak perfum tersebut, selain ada botol perfumnya, juga ada handbody nya gitu deh..tapi waktu itu gue ogah gitu make nya..

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Contoh Bilangan Faktorial C++

"Om Swastiastu"

Hai guys,,kita sekarang bahas faktorial C++.
Pastinya kalian semua udah tau kan bilangan faktorial itu kan..? Misalnya, bilangan 5 kita faktorialkan,,
berarti 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1. Wakti kalian SMA pastinya udah pernah di ajarin faktorial dalam metematika kan??
Nah..sekarang kita buat bilangan faktorial tersebut kedalam program C++..
Ini dia source code nya..mohon koreksinya kalo ada yang salah yaa..
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Menentukan Bilangan Genap Ganjil C++

"Om Swastiastu"

Kali ini saya akan membahas tentang penentuan bilangan genap atau ganjil dalam program C++ yang telah saya buat.
Bilangan genap adalah bilangan yang habis dibagi dua, sedangkan bilangan ganjil adalah bilangan yang tidak habis dibagi 2. jadi sangat sederhana sekali pembuatan program ini, tidak perlu berbelit-belit untuk membuatnya.
Langkah-langkahnya seperti ini:
1. Masukkan bilangan
2. Jika bilangan dibagi 2 = 0, maka bilangan genap
3. Jika tidak, maka bilangan ganjil
4. Selesai
Untuk lebih jelasnya, liat aja source code nya dibawah ni. Ini dia source code nya.
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Obscure Google Features

One of the most frequently used reason for removing features from Google's products is that not many people used them. Here's a recent example:

"Google Base has its own search page for users to search across everything that's been uploaded, but it isn't widely used. Instead, people search on Google Product Search for products, or on Google Maps to find houses for rent or sale. Therefore, we're planning to retire Google Base's separate search page in a few weeks."

Google Base search is not the only obscure Google feature. Even though it's difficult to estimate how often each feature is used, it's safe to say that the following features are rarely used:

1. Gmail mute. The option that lets you ignore boring conversations from mailing lists is available in Gmail's standard interface and it has recently been added to Gmail Mobile.

2. Google Reader's auto sorting. "This works by prioritizing subscriptions with fewer items. So, with this setting, your friend's blog with one item a month will not be drowned out by higher volume sites such as the New York Times because we'll raise the blog to the top."

3. Google Chrome's docking positions. "Drag a tab to pre-defined locations, or docking positions, on your computer monitor or browser window to quickly resize your browser window. When the docking icon appears, release the mouse over the icon to have the tab snap in place."

4. GoogleTournament function from Google Spreadsheets. "The GoogleTournament function returns live data for games occurring during the Men's and Women's NCAA Division I Basketball Championship."

5. Google Toolbar's "up" button lets you go up one level in a web site.

6. Google Music Search, used for showing outdated information about music artists.

Can you think of other obscure Google features that are probably used by a small number of people?

Membuat Readmore tanpa edit HTML

"Om Swastiastu"

Hai blogger sejati..apa kabar kalian?? Setelah 4 posingan sebelumnya saya membahas bahasa pemrograman C++, akhirnya sekarang saya membahas topik yang berbeda.. Ada berita bagus ney buat para blogger sekalian.. Ada cara baru untuk membuat Read More tanpa harus melakukan Edit HTML pada menu Edit Layout di dashboard Blog anda.. Saya aja baru tahu, setelah pusing tujuh keliling, karena mau nya saya make cara yang edit HTML, masang code ini dibawah code ini gitu dah..tapi gag berhasil, kode template nya beda, mungkin ada beberapa teman yang tahu, template blog saya sebelum memposting artikel ini berwarna hijau..tapi sekarang berwarna hitam, nah itu dia masalahnya..setelah saya ganti template, kode <div class='post-body'> gag ada di Edit HTML, padahal, untuk membuat read more harus meng copy paste beberapa kode dibawah kode tadi, akhirnya iseng-iseng saya cari trouble shooter blogger, eh nemu deh caranya..hehehe..bener-bener sebuah keberuntungan..
Ini dia nih caranya..semoga berguna buat teman-teman sekalian..

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Decode Google's Barcode Doodle

Why would Google replace its logo with a barcode? Probably because barcodes were invented 60 years ago. "This invention relates to the art of article classification and has particular relation to classification through the medium of identifying patterns. It is an object of the invention to provide automatic apparatus for classifying things according to photo-response to lines and/or colors which constitute classification instructions and which have been attached to, imprinted upon or caused to represent the things being classified," explains the patent.

To decode the doodle, upload the image to and you'll notice that it uses Code 128 to encode "Google". There's also an online barcode generator.

It's not the first time when a doodle encrypted Google's name: Samuel Morse's birthday and Louis Braille's birthday were other opportunities for cleverly hiding Google's logo.

Belajar C++ - Penggunaan Statemen IF

"Om Swastiastu"

Setelah kita mempelajari penggunaan atau pendeklarasian konstanta dalam C++, selanjutnya saya akan menjelaskan mengenai pembuatan program menu pilihan dalam C++.. Dalam sesi kali ini, kita juga akan belajar mengenai penggunaan statemen IF (kondisional)..
To the point ajah.. Contoh menu pilihan banyak kita temui pada game..contohnya seperti ini..MENU
1. New Game
2. Load Game
3. Exit

Untuk membuat menu pilihan, kita memerlukan statement IF. Statement ini digunakan untuk memecahkan masalah dalam mengambil suatu keputusan diantara sekian kondisi yang ada. Sintax nya seperti ini:

 if (kondisi)




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Google Cloudboard

Google tests a service called Cloudboard, an online clipboard that should make it easy to copy data between Gmail, Google Docs and other Google services. The service is not publicly available yet, but there are many references to it.

An internal feedback form (update: Google disabled the form) describes Cloudboard as a "server-side clipboard for Google Apps". Google provides an example of copying data from Google Spreadsheets to Google Docs: "if you copy a formatted cell range in Trix (cell border, colors, etc.) and then paste into Writely, it's transformed into a comparably-styled HTML table."

Google's feedback form includes many other examples: pasting excerpts from Google Spreadsheets to Gmail, copying multiple images from Picasa Web Albums, copying YouTube videos, copying an event and pasting it into Google Docs or Gmail, pasting copied items from Google Image Search, copying maps into Google Docs etc.

I've always thought that Google Notebook will be Google's web clipboard, but now that the service has been discontinued, Cloudboard will be the bridge between Google's services.

Google Explains What a Browser Is

Google found why people aren't eager to change their browsers: they don't even know what a browser is. Some think that the browser is actually a search engine, others are convinced that the only way to browse the web is to click on the big blue E from the desktop.

To explain Internet Explorer users that there are better alternatives out there, Google started with the basics: a short introduction to web browsers. "The web browser is the most important piece of software on your computer because every web page runs though it," concludes Google's short video.

Google even set up a web site that includes information about changing browsers, JavaScript performance, benchmark suites. The idea is great, but Google should avoid using technical terms. If many users don't know the definition of a browser, JavaScript or browser benchmarks need special introductory guides.

"A few of us at Google created to help teach people about web browsers. We wanted to show people that they have a lot of choice in browsers, since we noticed that most people were using the browser their computers came with."

"The browser their computers came with" is an euphemism for Internet Explorer, even though Safari is another browser that fits the description.

Belajar C++ - Pendeklarasian Konstanta

"Om Swastiastu"

Setelah postingan program sederhana C++ di bawah, saya akan melanjutkan mengenai pendeklarasian konstanta,,saya akan menjelaskan mengenai pembuatan program sederhana yang terdapat konstantanya, yaitu Luas Lingkaran dan Volume Tabung mari kita masuk ke tahap selanjutnya..dalam mencari luas lingkaran ataupun volume tabung, terdapat sebuah konstanta phi, dimana nilai phi adalah 3,14..
Konstanta adalah suatu nilai yang tidak dapat dirubah selama program masih dalam proses..artinya, nilai konstanta selalu tetap. Untuk menggunakannya, konstanta harus didefinisikan terlebih dulu pada awal program..

Terdapat dua cara untuk mendeklarasikan konstanta..

    1. menggunakan sintax #define
    mendeklarasikan konstanta dengan cara ini relatif lebih gampang dilakukan karena akan menyertakan #define sebagai preprocesssor..penempatan sintaxnya diletakkan dibawah sintax #include..
    #define phi 3.14
karena #define bukan merupakan sebuah pernyataan, jadi tidak diakhiri dengan tanda ( ; )

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New Themes for Google Chrome

If the first batch of Chrome themes didn't include too many beautiful themes, you can now choose from a gallery of 95 themes designed by top artists like Jeff Koons, Yulia Brodskaya or Wes Craven. "We invited leading artists, architects, musicians, illustrators, filmmakers and fashion and interior designers from around the globe to create artwork for an unusual canvas: the modern web browser," explains Google. Apparently, the artists worked for free.

Chrome's themes are loaded almost instantly, so you don't need to restart the browser. Unfortunately, you can't pick a list of favorite themes or manage the themes you've already installed.

I've tried some of themes, but I went back to the default theme, which looks great and doesn't try too hard to be attractive. It's almost invisible.

Belajar C++ - Program Dasar Sederhana C++

"Om Swastiastu"

Langsung to the point aja deh..kali ini saya akan menjelaskan tentang cara membuat keliling segitiga..
meskipun kedengerannya sederhana dan mudah, tapi menurut saya banyak orang belum tahu tentang dasar C++, makanya saya buat program sederhana C++ yang mudah dipahami banyak orang setalah postingan dasar-dasar C++ dibawah..
contohnya program sederhana yang saya ya keliling segitiga ini..
Well, kita semua tahu keliling segitiga adalah sisi + sisi + sisi..Nah disini akan saya mulai dengan luas segitiga sama sisi, dimana semua sisinya memiliki panjang yang sama..
Ini dia source code nya..

//Menentukan Keliling Segitiga

//Segitiga Sama Sisi

#include <conio.h>

#include <stdio.h>

#include <iostream.h>
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"Om Swastiastu"

Suatu fakta unik yang aneh..kenapa saya buat blog lagi..hahahha..
Karena Blog saya yang pertama.. 7th Programmer, menjadi aneh,
Awal permasalahannya ketika saya ngenet di sebuah warnet, tujuannya satu..BLOGGING!!..namun tak ada hujan tak ada badai..sesudah saya meng klik link Postingan Lama, tiba2 Sidebar blog saya pindah tempat..yang awalnya terletak di samping kanan Postingan, sekarang menjadi di bawah Postingan..tentu jadi jelek banget kelihatannya..tapi kalau dilihat di postingan lama, sidebarnya kembali ketempat semula..
Karena gag ngerti gimana mengatasinya, akhirnya saya buat blog yang baru..dan satu lagi..saya phobia meng klik Postingan Lama..hahahaha..lucu kan?? But it's true..

"Om Santhi, Santhi, Santhi, Om"

Belajar C++ - Pengenalan Dasar C++

"Om Swastiastu"

C++ adalah salah satu bahasa pemrograman yang banyak dipelajari di Indonesia saat ini, baik untuk kepentingan pembelajaran disekolah ataupun untuk kepentingan perusahaan. Untuk kepentingan sekolah, tentu pembelajaran dimulai dari dasar, mengenal apa itu C++, apa saja variabelnya, pre prosesornya, dll. Untuk itu mari kita pelajari lebih lanjut..

C++ adalah perkembangan lanjutan dari bahasa C. C++ memberikan tambahan fitur untuk meningkatkan kualitas bahasa C serta kemampuan untuk pemrograman berbasis object. (Object Oriented Programming).

Jika kalian ingin belajar C++, 2 syarat penting yang wajib dipenuhi adalah tentu anda harus mempunyai komputer serta mempunyai editor untuk membuat programmnya..editor yang saya gunakan adalah Borland C++ 5.02

Saya akan langsung memberikan satu program dasar yang mudah dipahami beserta keterangan-keterangan yang memudahkan anda memahami program C++..bukalah editor C++ yang anda punya..kemudian ketikan source code berikut ini..

//program dasar C++
#include <iostream.h>
#include <conio.h>
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Improving Google's Search Quality

Business Week has an interview with Scott Huffman, who runs Google's search evaluation team. Matt Cutts calls it "the deepest public discussion of how Google evals search quality that I've ever seen".

The interview has a lot of details about human evaluators, search experiments and the way Google measures search quality.

"People have a tendency to pick what we would call really popular queries [to compare search engines]. Look, I typed flowers in both and this one showed me pictures and this one showed me flowers to buy, and I like pictures better. But we get a lot of queries that are a lot more rare than that, and we feel that our gap in terms of the competition really opens up there."

But that doesn't mean popular queries aren't important.

"On a continuous basis in every one of our data centers, a large set of queries are being run in the background, and we're looking at the results, looking up our evaluations of them and making sure that all of our quality metrics are within tolerance. (...) Both broad query sets and navigational query sets, like "San Francisco bike shop" to the more mundane, like: Here’s every U.S. state and they have a home page and we better get that home page in the top results, and if we don't … then literally somebody's pager goes off."

Scott Huffman says that Google constantly improves ranking and search quality, even if that's not always obvious. People usually notice user interface changes and Google prepares many visible changes.

"We're doing a lot more on the UI side. We're trying to do a lot more experimentation — how can we push the envelope? You don't want to be just the 10 blue links. I see us definitely trying to be more aggressive with a lot of features that will start to show up on the search page. Even if you look at the search page today compared with a couple years ago, it's actually quite a bit different. On the UI side, my impression is that the bar for what people expect from search engines is higher today. That's partly because of the features Google and others have added."


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