Google Tests a New Version of the Black Bar

While Google hasn't abandoned the navigation bar launched last year, both the old and the new interface are used today. If you load in Chrome's incognito mode, the old interface shows up more often than the new UI. The simplified interface made navigation more complicated, even if it looks better than the black bar.

Google even tests a slightly updated version of the old bar that uses the services from the new UI, more spacing and a different color scheme.

Here's how you can try the latest Google experiment. If you use Chrome, Firefox, Safari or Internet Explorer 8+, open in a new tab, load:

* Chrome's JavaScript console (Ctrl+Shift+J)
* Firefox's Web Console (Ctrl+Shift+K)
* Safari's Web Inspector (how to do that?)
* IE's Developer Tools (press F12 and select the "console" tab)

and paste the following code:

document.cookie="PREF=ID=381502750b6e9119:U=aaee74aefea7315a:FF=0:LD=en:CR=2:TM=1328391998:LM=1328392000:S=yPtlCgLbEnezu5b4; path=/;";window.location.reload();

Then press Enter and close the console. If you're not in the US and you're using a different Google domain, replace "" with your domain in the code (for example: "" in the UK).

If you'd like to go back to the old interface and reset the Google PREF cookie, repeat the same steps, but use the following code:

document.cookie="PREF=; path=/;";window.location.reload();

Google Instant, Disabled For Slow Computers

Google Instant is supposed to make searching faster, but you need a pretty good Internet connection, a modern browser and a decent computer. Google Instant is not available if you use IE6 or other outdated browsers and it's automatically disabled if you have a slow Internet connection.

Now Google also disables Instant if you have a slow computer. "If Instant gets automatically disabled, we continue to check your computer speed and will re-enable Instant if your performance improves," informs Google. If you don't like this change, you can disable it from the search preferences page. Just select "always show Instant results" in the "Google Instant predictions" section.

I've tested this feature on an old laptop and Google's implementation isn't great. Google Instant continues to be enabled for the initial query even if it's slow, then it's suddenly disabled when you visit Google Search again. Google doesn't show a message next to the search box to explain why Instant is disabled and not many people will visit the search preferences page, which both an explanation and a fix.

This is just one of the 17 updates from last month that improved Google Search.

Google Groups Themes

Just in case you don't like the Google Groups interface and want to customize it, there's a new light gray theme you can try. Just click the settings button, click "Themes" and select the "soft gray" theme. This only works in the new Google Groups interface.

A similar theme is also available for Gmail and it will be interesting to see if Google Groups will add support for the other Gmail themes. Maybe apps like Google+, Google Docs, Google Reader and even services like Google Search will support Gmail's color themes.

{ Thanks , Herin. }

Download Type Faster versi 0.4 Mediafire

"Om Swastiastu"

type faster IT programmer
Sekarang ini komputer atau laptop sudah sangat mewabah di dunia. Bahkan tugas sekolahpun harus diketik dan di print. Berbeda sekali dengan masa-masa dulu yang masih menggunakan alat tulis. Kebutuhan akan komputer sangat tinggi, dan kebanyakan para penggunanya belum mampu mengetik dengan kecepatan tinggi. Saya mempunyai satu solusi yang mungkin dapat membantu teman-teman sekalian yang ingin mengetik di komputer dengan kecepatan yang tinggi dan tentu saja mata kalian tidak perlu melihat keyboard karena dengan software ini jari-jari kalian akan dilatih sehingga nantinya kalian bisa mengetik dengan cepat tanpa melihat keyboard.

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Contoh Script Untuk Restore Database dengan PHP

"Om Swastiastu"

Restore Database dengan PHP
Fitur untuk melakukan restore database yang sudah kita backup sebelumnya sangatlah penting dalam sebuah sistem. File database yang dibackup disini berbentuk SQL Dump. File SQL Dump yang saya maksud adalah hasil backup database yang berbentuk query. Jadi dalam file SQL Dump tersebut terdapat banyak query-query SQL untuk membuat databasenya. Logikanya, ketika kita melakukan restore database, maka akan terdapat sebuah form, bentuk formnya kurang lebih sama seperti form upload foto. Kemudian, kita akan mengklik browse lalu kita pilih file SQL Dump yang telah kita backup sebelumnya. Jika sudah dipilih tekan tombol Restore untuk melakukan restore database.

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Cara Membuat Badge Google Plus

"Om Swastyastu"

cara membuat Badges Google Plus
Akan ditutupnya layanan Google Friend Connect (GFC) oleh Google tentunya akan membuat para blogger kehilangan widget follower mereka. Namun situs raksasa ini telah menyarankan para blogger untuk beralih ke Google Plus. Dengan google plus mencari target marketing sangatlah mudah dengan memanfaatkan fitur Circles dimana kalian bisa memilah user sesuai dengan niche blog atau web kalian. Selain itu juga, blog yang memiliki Google + akan lebih di utamakan oleh Google di search engine mereka. Jadi ga ada salahnya kan kita punya account Google + ??
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Android Market's Malware Scanner

Google doesn't like to manually review user-generated content. It's not efficient and algorithms can do a better job. Imagine how many people would need to be hired to watch all the videos submitted to YouTube (60 hours of videos uploaded every minute).

In some ways, uploading an application to the Android Market is just like uploading a video to YouTube. Sure, you need to pay a fee, but you don't have to wait until a Google employee checks the application. Unfortunately, this also means that the application can include malware, deceive users, crash or spam your contacts. Google usually reviewed the app only after enough users reported that the app is malicious.

Now there's a new service called Bouncer "which provides automated scanning of Android Market for potentially malicious software without disrupting the user experience of Android Market or requiring developers to go through an application approval process. The service performs a set of analyses on new applications, applications already in Android Market, and developer accounts. Here's how it works: once an application is uploaded, the service immediately starts analyzing it for known malware, spyware and trojans. It also looks for behaviors that indicate an application might be misbehaving, and compares it against previously analyzed apps to detect possible red flags. We actually run every application on Google's cloud infrastructure and simulate how it will run on an Android device to look for hidden, malicious behavior".

That seems like a great idea: Google actually tests the apps without having to wait until other users install them and notice there's something wrong. The bad news is that this service was tested last year and was used to find potentially-malicious apps. Despite that, the apps infected by DroidDream were found by a security vendor and not by Google.

"The service has been looking for malicious apps in Market for a while now, and between the first and second halves of 2011, we saw a 40% decrease in the number of potentially-malicious downloads from Android Market. This drop occurred at the same time that companies who market and sell anti-malware and security software have been reporting that malicious applications are on the rise," says Google. Another explanation could be that Google's service is not good enough.

Google also says that Android "makes malware less potent" because it uses sandboxing, it displays the list of permissions and Android Market can remotely remove malware. I don't think that most of the users read the list of permissions. They simply ignore them, click "OK" and install the application. Maybe it would be a better idea to require users to explicitly enable sensitive permissions when they're using the apps.

While security vendors try to scare Android users and push their products, Google should focus on removing spam and malware from the Android Market and make it a safer place. Improving Android's security model and finding ways to install security updates faster are also important.

Google Docs Will Improve Paragraph Styles and Add More Fonts

An upcoming Google Docs update will bring a better interface for selecting paragraph styles and new features that lets you customize styles.

Google Docs will also add some new open source fonts from the Web Fonts project: Amaranth, Arvo, Dancing Script, Lobster, Merriweather, Open Sans, Philosopher, Quattrocento.

Google has recently updated the Android app for Google Docs and added offline support, while also improving the reading layout for tablets.

Update (February 6): Custom styles are now available.

{ Thanks, J. }

Cara Memasang Google Maps pada BlackBerry

"Om Swastiastu"

blackberry maps
Bagi sebagian para pengguna BlackBerry, mungkin sangat membutuhkan bantuan dari maps untuk menemukan suatu lokasi tertentu, atau juga dapat membantu kalian mengetahui jalan rahasia yang belum kalian ketahui. Nah, ada satu aplikasi yang dapat kalian gunakan untuk mengetahui tempat-tempat tertentu. Kali ini saya akan memberikannya khusus untuk para pengguna BlackBerry. Aplikasi yang saya maksud adalah Google Maps. Google Maps adalah suatu jasa peta globe virtual gratis dan online yang disediakan oleh Google.

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Membuat Validasi Email Tingkat Lanjut dengan PHP

"Om Swastiastu"

Setelah sebelumnya saya sempat menulis artikel tentang bagaimana cara melakukan validasi email sederhana dengan PHP, sekarang saya akan membuat artikel untuk melakukan advance email validation atau validasi email tingkat lanjut dengan PHP. Sebelumnya saya hanya menjelaskan bagaimana melakukan validasi email dengan menghitung jumlah tanda at ( @ ) dan tanda titik ( . ) pada email. Sekarang kita akan mulai melakukan validasi yang lebih rumit lagi agar validasi email ini benar-benar kuat.

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Gmail's Shortcut for Inserting Hyperlinks

Less than 2% of the Gmail users have enabled keyboard shortcuts and actually use them, but that doesn't mean Google shouldn't improve them. Many people complained that Gmail's rich text editor doesn't have a shortcut for inserting hyperlinks and now it's available: Ctrl+K (or Cmd-K if you use a Mac).

The same shortcut is also used in Outlook, Microsoft Word, Google Docs and other apps. "Just select any text, and then press the Ctrl and K keys at the same time. A dialogue box opens where you can type a link," informs the Microsoft Word blog.

I wonder why Google doesn't offer the option to use the top search result for the text you've selected or at least pick one of the top results from the "edit link" box.

{ Thanks, Cougar. }

Country-Specific Blogger URLs

Google found an interesting trick to defend Blogger blogs against local laws: redirect readers to country-specific domains and only remove those URLs if required.

"Over the coming weeks you might notice that the URL of a blog you're reading has been redirected to a country-code top level domain, or 'ccTLD.' For example, if you're in Australia and viewing [blogname], you might be redirected [blogname] A ccTLD, when it appears, corresponds with the country of the reader's current location," explains Google.

"Migrating to localized domains will allow us to continue promoting free expression and responsible publishing while providing greater flexibility in complying with valid removal requests pursuant to local law. By utilizing ccTLDs, content removals can be managed on a per country basis, which will limit their impact to the smallest number of readers. Content removed due to a specific country's law will only be removed from the relevant ccTLD." That means [blogname] will continue to exist, but it's not clear if the users from that specific country will still be able to access it.

Blogger will start to use country-specific domains, just like many other Google services. If you're in Australia and visit, you'll be redirected to, but you can opt-out by clicking "Go to" or visiting The same option is available for Blogger: "Blog readers may request a specific country version of the blogspot content by entering a specially formatted NCR URL. NCR stands for 'No Country Redirect' and will always display [blogname] in English, whether you're in India, Brazil, Honduras, Germany, or anywhere. For example: http://[blogname] – always goes to the U.S. English blog."

Google doesn't mention the list of countries that are affected by this change, but reports that India is one of them. Obviously, blog owners can use custom domains if they don't like the new feature. Even if Google made sure that the duplicate URLs are properly handled by search engines, it could be annoying to see so many URLs that send people to the same page.

{ Thanks, Venkat and Herin. }

Cara Membuat Komentar Facebook di Blog

"Om Swastyastu"

facebook comment
"Facebook" tentunya sudah tidak asing lagi bagi kalian saat ini. jaman gini ga punya facebook?? Seperti yang sering di bilang Tukul "KATROK" kalau bahasa alaynya "k47RoK" hehehe.. maaf yang ga punya jangan tersinggung. #peace.

Naah, saat ini saya akan mencoba memberikan cara membuat komentar facebook di blogspot. Dengan adanya komentar facebook di blog tentunya akan memudahkan para visitor untuk berkomentar dan tentunya kalian juga gampang berinteraksi secara langsung dengan mereka karena akan langsung ada notification di facebook mereka jika komentarnya di balas. Bandingkan jika di komentar blog yang standar, kalau kita berkomentar disana nantinya jika di reply oleh yang empunya itu blog kita tidak bakal tau kecuali kita kembali lagi ke blog tersebut. (Ribet lagi yah kata-kata saya) :D
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