Google Calendar Sneak Preview

Google Calendar tests a new feature that lets you view your calendar and the calendars of your guests when you create a new event. "Sneak preview" can be enabled when you click on "create event".

"We're working a new feature that makes it easier to schedule events with guests. The new event page will include a calendar right next to your guest list, so you can see when people are free," explains Google.

"Sneak preview" helps you schedule events and it lets you find a better time for an event using drag and drop.

{ Thanks, Keith, Melle and Owen. }

Google Bookmarks Promoted Search Results

If you are logged in to a Google account and you promote a search result using the SearchWiki icons, the web page is automatically saved to Google Bookmarks. For some reason, Google labels the web page using your query, so you'll end up with a long list of labels.

The list of SearchWiki annotations is already available at, but it's not searchable. Now the list of annotations is more discoverable, but it makes it more difficult to find your bookmarks.

Some users customize Google's results using SearchWiki to associate searches with their favorite web pages. Marissa Mayer said that, on average, "40% of searches on any given day are repeat searches for that user".

Contoh Program Perkalian Matriks C++

 "Om Swastiastu"

Setelah sebelumnya saya memposting mengenai penjumlahan matriks C++, maka kali ini saya akan memposting mengenai perkalian matriks C++.
Banyak program perkalian C++ yang diposting hanya bisa mengalikan dua buah matriks matriks 2x2 atau matriks 3x3 saja. Lain daripada yang lain, program matriks yang saya buat ini bisa menghitung perkalian matriks berapapun asal tidak lebih dari ordo 5x5.
Sebenarnya mudah saja membuatnya sampai perkalian matriks berordo 100x100, tapi akan sangat sulit menampilkan outputnya.

Baiklah, agar mempersingkat waktu, langsung saja saya berikan syntax perkalian matriks C++ ini. Selamat menikmati.

 #include <iostream.h>
 #include <conio.h>
 #include <stdio.h>

 #define ValueMax 25
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Creating Table in SQL

"Om Swastiastu"

If you have study about the Introduction of Database before, then, you have to practice to make a table. This is the example of Rep Table. Write this syntax on your SQL 2000 Query Analyzer.

LastName VARCHAR(25),
FirstName VARCHAR(25),
Street VARCHAR(30),
City VARCHAR(20),
State VARCHAR(2),
Commision DECIMAL(10,2),
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Introduction to SQL

"Om Swastiatu"

Hello everybody, today I'm gonna describe a bit of SQL language for a dummy. (If you don't know why I always put words "Om Swastiastu" and "Om Santhi, Santhi, Santhi, Om" in every first and last line of my post, here I tell you. "Om Swastiastu" is a greeting words for Hinduism in Bali, and "Om Santhi, Santhi, Santhi, Om" is a farewell words for Hinduism in Bali. Try to visit Bali, you will be able to find words like that). Okay, back to the topic. I will start from the SQL function.

SQL Function
Data Definition Language

SQL includes:
  • Command to create database object such as tables, indexes and view.
  • Command to define access right to those database objects.
 Data Manipulation Language
Includes commands to:
  1. insert,
  2. update,
  3. delete,
  4. and retrieve data within the database tables.
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Show Favicons in Google Reader

If you'd like to see a favicon next to each Google Reader subscription, you can now add this feature: go to the settings page and check "Show favicons for subscriptions". Another way to enable the feature is to click on the arrow next to "Subcriptions" and select "use favicons".

The feature is disabled by default. "We realize that not everyone wants their subscription list to turn into a multi-colored extravaganza, so we've made it into a setting that you can access from your subscriptions menu," explains Mihai Parparita.

Google uses a special service for obtaining the favicons instead of loading the images directly. For example, Search Engine Land's favicon is generated like this:

Attach Files in Offline Gmail

Many Gmail interfaces lack a basic feature: adding attachments. You can't add attachments if you use Gmail's mobile app, the mobile version of Gmail, iGoogle's Gmail gadget or if you used the offline version of Gmail until today.

"Starting today, attachments work just the way you would expect them to whether you are online or offline (with the exception that when you're offline you won't be able to include inline images). Just add the attachment and send your message. If you have Offline Gmail enabled, you'll notice that all your mail now goes through the outbox, regardless of whether you're online or offline. This allows Gmail to capture all attachments, even if you suddenly get disconnected from network," mentions Gmail's blog.

Offline Gmail is still a Gmail Labs feature and it requires Google Gears. If you use Google Chrome, Gears is already installed. The nice thing about Offline Gmail is that you can read recent conversations, compose messages and view your contacts even when you don't have Internet access.

Contoh Pogram Penjumlahan Matriks C++

"Om Swastiastu"

Matriks merupakan pengembangan dari sistem persamann linear. Matriks dapat digunakan untuk merumuskan berbagai masalah termasuk masalah-masalah bisnis dan ekonomi. Matriks ialah kumpulan bilangan yang disajikan secara teratur dalam baris dan kolom yang membentuk suatu persegi atau persegi panjang serta termuat di antara sepasang tanda kurung.

Dua buah matriks hanya dapat dijumlahkan apabila jumlah kolom dan barisnya sama. Hasil penjumlahan matriks Amxm dengan Bmxm adalah sebuah matriks baru Cmxm yang unsur-unsurnya merupakan hasil penjumlahan kedua unsur matriks.

Seiring perkembangan jaman, matriks kini juga sudah dapat dibuatkan programnya. Salah satu implementasi matriks yang saat ini sering digunakan dalam perkuliahan IT Programming adalah penjumlahan matriks dalam pemrograman C++.

Berikut akan saya berikan syntax sebuah contoh program penjumlahan matriks C++. Ini adalah tugas yang diberikan Mr. Oka kepada kami anak kelas internasional. Daripada setelah disetor program ini jarang dipakai lagi, lebih saya share kepada teman-teman sekalian. Ini dia syntax nya.
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Google Chrome OS Use Cases

Google didn't do a good job at explaining the intended use of Chrome OS and many people wondered if Google's operating system is an alternative to Windows. The goal is to build "an operating system that provides a fast, simple, and more secure computing experience for people who spend most of their time on the web". Here are the initial use cases for Chrome OS:
* Computing on the couch
* Use as a lightweight, secondary work computer
* Borrowing a device for use in coffee shops and libraries
* Sharing a second computer among family members

For now, Chrome OS is not designed to be your main operating system. It's just a fast way to get online, a simplified operating system that removes unnecessary software and opens the browser in a few seconds. If Google Chrome loads almost instantly, why not build an operating system that boots fast and doesn't slow down the browser?

Even though developers can view its source code and compile it, Chrome OS won't be available for download because it requires a special hardware configuration and it's not designed for multi-boot. Chrome OS is just the platform for Chrome OS netbooks.

"We are taking out every unnecessary process, optimizing many operations and running everything possible in parallel. This means you can go from turning on the computer to surfing the web in a few seconds. Our obsession with speed goes all the way down to the metal. We are specifying reference hardware components to create the fastest experience for Google Chrome OS," explains Google.


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