Membuat Search Button Seperti Google

"Om Swastiastu"
Kalian tentunya sudah sangat mengenal search engine Google. Bahkan saya yakin banyak diantara kalian yang menggunakan search engine ini. Desain interface google sederhana namun berkelas. Misalnya saja desain tombol search berwarna biru yang terdapat disamping kanan textbox search google. Tombol search tersebut terkesan mewah menurut saya, simple tapi sangat bagus. Nah, bagi para web programmer yang ingin membuat desain tombol search seperti google, saya akan memberikan caranya dengan menggunakan HTML dan CSS.

Nah, hal pertama yang kalian lakukan adalah membuat input type submit dengan html. Saya yakin kebanyakan dari kalian sudah bisa menggunakannya.

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Membuat Dropdown List Negara Di Dunia Dengan PHP

"Om Swastiastu"

IT Programmer
Mungkin diantara kalian ada yang membuat website yang memerlukan list negara-negara di bumi ini untuk ditampilkan pada halaman websitenya. Misalkan saja, kalian membuat sebuah website wisata yang memerlukan halaman reservasi, dimana pada kolom reservasi kalian diminta untuk membuat dropdown list negara-negara di dunia ini. Mengapa? Karena yang melakukan reservasi tentunya adalah orang-orang dari seluruh dunia dan kita perlu mengetahui darimana asal orang yang akan melakukan reservasi. Kalau kalian bingung karena tidak mengetahui list dari negara di dunia, mudah, karena disini kalian mendapatkan solusinya.

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Blocked Sites, No Longer Available in Google Search?

Last year, Google released a feature that allowed you to block sites from appearing in your search results. After clicking a result and going back to the search results page, Google displayed a special link next to the result for blocking the entire domain.

The feature no longer seems to work: the "block" link is no longer displayed, the preferences page doesn't mention the feature and the blocked domains still appear in Google's results. The page that allows you to manage blocked sites is still available.

"When you're signed in to Google, you can block a specific website from appearing in your future search results. This is a helpful option when you encounter a site that you don't like and whose pages you want to remove from your future results. If you change your mind, you can unblock the site at any point," explains a help center page.

Update: Google's Matt Cutts says that this could be a temporary issue. "The right people are looking at what needs to happen to re-enable this, but it might take some time."

Tutorial Membuat Advanced Paging dengan PHP

"Om Swastiastu"

Jika kalian mulai menampilkan puluhan bahkan ratusan data dalam database, maka kalian akan membutuhkan space yang banyak untuk menampung data tersebut. Tentunya hal tersebut menjadi tidak efisien karena membutuhkan banyak tempat. Dengan adanya paging, maka hal tersebut dapat dipecahkan. Paging merupakan teknik untuk menampilkan data dengan cara membaginya ke beberapa halaman. Teknik ini digunakan untuk mengurangi scroll pada window apabila data yang ditampilkan sangat banyak, sehingga mengakibatkan lamanya page load time karena ukuran filenya besar.

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Blogger Adds Threaded Comments

Blogger's comment system has been updated and it now supports threading. You can now reply to a comment and read the entire conversation. "It is now much easier to differentiate between whether someone is making a general comment on the thread, or responding to another comment on the thread," informs Google.

The threaded view is only available for embedded comments and it requires to enable full-text blog feeds.

If you've manually customized your blog's template, you may not see the new feature. One way to solve this issue is to reset widgets. In the new Blogger interface, go to the Template tab, click "Backup/Restore" and download your template, then click "Edit HTML", "Proceed" and "Revert widget templates to default". If something doesn't look right, you can always go back to the old template by clicking "Backup / Restore" and uploading the template you've saved.

Google's Black Navigation Bar Is Back

Google's attempt to simplify the navigation bar wasn't very successful. The menu released six weeks ago is no longer available and it has been replaced with the old black navigation bar.

I tried to see if it was just a temporary bug, but almost all the browsers I tested displayed the black navigation bar. The only browser that still displayed the menu was Chrome, but that was no longer case after clearing the cookies.

Google indirectly confirmed this change two days ago, when the screenshots from a Google blog post included the old bar.

Sometimes, when you try to simplify things, you end up making them more complicated. Navigation elements should be obvious and hiding them in a menu doesn't make them easy to find. The huge menu took more space than the navigation bar and made the homepage less attractive. Hopefully, Google will fix the navigation interface and release a better version.

Tutorial Membuat Syntax Highlighter untuk Blogger

"Om Swastiastu"

Untuk blog yang memiliki artikel tentang pemrograman, biasanya dalam blog tersebut penulisan kodenya akan tampak seperti apa yang ada dalam editor. Dengan begitu biasanya syntax program akan lebih mudah dibaca. Nah, bagi teman-teman blogger lain yang ingin menampilkan tampilan kode seperti itu, (lihat gambar disamping). Saya akan membagikan tips dan triknya. Untuk menampilkan kode seperti itu, kita menggunakan syntax highlighter. Untuk mengetahui apa itu syntax highlighter, Syntax highlighter adalah suatu fitur pada text editor untuk editor source code programming html, php, css, sql dan bahasa lainnya sehingga terlihat seperti syntax yang kita buat ada dalam sebuah text editor. Fungsinya untuk memudahkan programmer dalam membaca dan menganalisa source code tersebut.

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Google Search Shows More Results From Google+

Google's search results are personalized even if you don't log in to a Google account. Google uses your location and your previous searches to customize the results. When you log in to your account, Google has more information: your search/browsing history, your social connections, the pages you've bookmarked or +1'd. Everyone is different and Google has the opportunity to use information about you to disambiguate queries, to show more results from the sites you trust and pages you're already visited.

Google+ can change Google results more than any other Google service because social data is an important signal for personalizing results, Google owns the end-to-end experience and it's in Google's best interest to show that Google+ helps sites get better rankings. After all, the reason why many sites added Google+ buttons is that Google+ data is used by Google's search algorithms.

The latest initiative that integrates Google+ with Google Search is called "Search, plus Your World." It's an upgrade of the social search feature that integrates the rich content from Google+.

Google Search now has access to non-public posts and photos from Google+ and you'll be able to search all the posts and photos shared with you or from your circles. "You can find relevant Google+ posts from friends talking about an amazing trip they just took, whether they've shared privately with you or publicly. You'll find links shared by your friends, such as activities, restaurants and other things they enjoyed on their trip," mentions Google. Personal results have a special icon next to the snippet, Google shows the number of personal results at the top of the page and you can also restrict the results to these pages.

Google Instant suggestions now include the people from your Google+ circles. "Now, typing just the first few letters of your friend's name brings up a personalized profile prediction in autocomplete. Selecting a predicted profile takes you to a results page for your friend, which includes information from their Google+ profile and relevant web results that may be related to them." Google shows similar suggestions for "prominent people from Google+, such as high-quality authors."

Another change is that Google includes a special box with Google+ pages related to your query. "Starting today, if you search for a topic like [music] or [baseball], you might see prominent people who frequently discuss this topic on Google+ appearing on the right-hand side of the results page. You can connect with them on Google+, strike up meaningful conversations and discover entire communities in a way that simply wasn't possible before," informs Google. I think it's a mistake to show Google+ pages that are vaguely related to a general query like [music]. The box looks more like a thinly disguised ad than a genuinely useful feature (an ad both for Google+ and the celebrity pages).

To balance the increasing number of social features, Google also added two new buttons at the top of the search results pages that help you toggle between the personalized results and the non-personalized results. This works for an entire session and you can also remove personal results from the preferences page.

Right now, "Search, plus Your World" is gradually rolled out over the next few days, but it only be available when you use in English and you sign in.

While Google+ data can certainly improve search results, I feel like there's too much information that's not really useful and too much Google+ bias. When Google developed the OneBoxes for maps and stocks, it linked to its own services, but also to competing services. Today Google no longer tries to be fair. Showing the number of people that added the author of a news articles to their circles is not more useful than showing the PageRank of the page or the number of Twitter followers. Showing the latest Google+ posts below the homepage of a business is not more useful than showing the latest Twitter posts. Google profiles are not necessarily better than Facebook profiles and the number of +1's is not more useful than the number of likes. To make Google+ more powerful, to attract more celebrities and businesses, Google might end up making Google results less useful. It's a tricky balancing act to use Google search's popularity to increase Google+ adoption, while also improving Google results using Google+ data and there are many mistakes to be made along the way.

Download Pokemon Black and White Mediafire

"Om Swastiastu"

Banyak versi dari game pokemon telah dirilis di dunia ini. Mulai dari game pokemon untuk console Game Boy Advance hingga Nintendo DS. Nah, ini adalah rilis game terbaru Pokemon untuk Nintendo DS, yaitu Pokemon Black and White. Game pertualangan Pokemon yang tampil dengan efek 3D nya. Jika ingin memainkan game ini, tentunya kalian harus mempunyai Nintendo DS Emulator terlebih dahulu.

Bagi yang belum memiliki Nintendo DS Emulator silahkan download Nintendo DS Emulator disini.

Untuk download Pokemon Black and White, silahkan download pada link dibawah:


"Om Santhi, Santhi, Santhi, Om"

Google Body Browser Is Now Zygote Body

Body Browser is one of the many products that was discontinued when Google closed Google Labs. The good news is that the service is now back online and it's hosted by Zygote, the company that provided the imagery for Google Body Browser. Zygote Body looks almost the same, still requires a browser that supports WebGL (Chrome or Firefox), but the site is very slow.

Body Browser started as a project built by Google engineers in their "20 percent time" and it was a great way to promote Chrome's support for WebGL, an API that allows Web apps to generate interactive 3D graphics without using additional plugins. The app also worked in Firefox and it was ported to Android Honeycomb. There's no Android app for Zygote Body right now, but the company promises to release one in the future.

Zygote Body uses an open source 3D viewer developed by Google. "This viewer provides a standard way to create and view 3D models in a Web browser, with multiple layers and instant search," explains Google.


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