Google's Stats About the Web

Google has recently published a report about the Web, which includes a lot of interesting stats. The results were obtained from a sample of 4.2 billion web pages indexed by Google.

"The average web page takes up 320 KB on the wire (Google took into account the embedded resources such as images, scripts and stylesheets). Only two-thirds of the compressible material on a page is actually compressed. In 80% of pages, 10 or more resources are loaded from a single host."

The average number of images per page is 29.39 and the average size of all the images from a page is 205.99 KB. A web page includes an average of 7.09 external scripts and 3.22 external stylesheets. The average size of the scripts is 57.98 KB and the size of the stylesheets is 18.72 KB. Google also found that only 17 million pages from the sample use SSL (about 0.4%).

Urs Hölzle, Google's Senior Vice President of Operation, said that the average web page takes 4.9 seconds to load and it makes 44 calls to different resources. "Speed matters. The average web page isn't just big, it's complicated. Web pages aren't just HTML. A web page is a big ensemble of things, some of which must load serially," said Urs Hölzle.

Google offers a lot of tutorials that help web developers improve the performance of their websites. Google advises to use Gzip compression, use HTTP caching, optimize JavaScript code and properly combine scripts and stylesheets.

Download Lagu OST Detective Conan

"Om Swastiastu"

Hi teman-teman sekalian, setelah lama tidak memberikan artikel mengenai lagu, kali ini saya akan memberikan lagu lama yang mungkin kalian suka. Ini adalah lagu Original Sound Track (OST) Detective Conan. Silahkan download lagunya pada link dibawah ini.

Download OST Detective Conan - Mune no doki doki
Opening Theme versi Bahasa Indonesia
Download OST Detective Conan - Step by Step

Untuk lagu step by step, liriknya telah langsung terinstall pada lagu. Sedangkan untuk lirik lagu yang lain bisa kalian temukan di google. ^_^

"Om Santhi, Santhi, Santhi, Om"

Shorter Google Maps URLs

Google Maps URLs are very long because they include a lot of parameters. They're way too long to be added to a Twitter message, a news article or a banner.

To solve this problem, Google Maps Labs added a feature called "short URLs" that shows short permalinks when you click on "Link". The nice thing about this feature is that it uses Google's URL shortening service, which is very fast, and URLs are more descriptive because they include "" and "maps".

To get the full permalink, you need to right-click on "Link" and copy the location. Unfortunately, Google removes the embedding feature if you enable "short URLs". Maybe it would make more sense to show the short URL as an additional option.

YouTube Plays 4K Videos

YouTube added support for playing videos that are bigger than 1080p. "Today at the VidCon 2010 conference, we announced support for videos shot in 4K (a reference resolution of 4096 x 3072), meaning that now we support original video resolution from 360p all the way up to 4096p. To give some perspective on the size of 4K, the ideal screen size for a 4K video is 25 feet; IMAX movies are projected through two 2k resolution projectors," explains YouTube.

There aren't many 4K videos uploaded to YouTube, but you can find some examples in this playlist. To switch to 4K, select "original" from the list of versions that are available. YouTube says that you need an "ultra-fast high-speed broadband connection" and it's probably a good idea to play the videos in fullscreen on a big-screen TV.

For now, the support for 4K videos doesn't mean too much, but it's nice to see YouTube pushing technological boundaries.

New Format for Google's Definition Results

Three months ago, I found some Google search shortcuts that trigger results from Google Dictionary and Google Translate. The keywords for Google Translate no longer work, but you can still add "en:en" before an English word to see the definition from Google Dictionary.

Google's results now include links to Wikipedia,, Merriam-Webster and Two of these sites ( and have been previously used to show definitions for each word of a query. They have been replaced by Google Dictionary and the feature has been removed when Google launched a new interface, two months ago.

Here's an example of query that triggers the special definition results: [en:en overcast].

Google has another special result that's displayed if you search for [define word] or [word definition]. This time, Google shows definitions from WordNet.

There's also a define: operator that shows definitions from WordNet, Wikipedia, glossaries and other web pages.

Gmail Adds Rich Text Signatures

Gmail added one of the most frequently requested features: rich text signatures. If you go to the settings page, you can edit your signature and change text formatting, add links and images. You can only create a rich text signature if you enable rich formatting in the "compose mail" page.

"Some of you have tried your own solutions, including Greasemonkey scripts, browser plugins, and even using canned responses from Gmail Labs. Others have simply lived with frustration of not being able to change the colors or font size of your signature, or insert images and links. Either way, you'll be happy to know that today we're launching the ability to write your own rich text signatures right in Gmail," says Mark Knichel, from Google.

Another useful new feature lets you create distinct signatures for the email accounts you're using when sending messages. If you send mail from different addresses, it makes sense to have a distinct signature for each account.

Unfortunately, the new features only work in the desktop standard Web interface. "Currently, only the latest desktop version of Gmail supports rich text signatures and multiple signatures. The older version and HTML version of Gmail, along with the mobile versions, use a plain text version of your primary account's signature."

{ Thanks, Sterling. }

YouTube Leanback

YouTube released a preview of the Google TV interface: it's called YouTube Leanback. "YouTube Leanback is all about letting you sit back, relax and be entertained. Videos tailored to your interests play as soon as you visit the site and they play in full screen and high definition, continuously. There's no need to click, search, or browse, unless you want to, of course. Watching YouTube becomes as easy as watching TV," suggests YouTube's blog.

By default, YouTube plays videos from your subscriptions, but you can also select a category to play popular comedy videos, short films, music videos, news, travel videos and more. The interface doesn't work with a mouse, as you can only use the arrow keys and Enter to skip a video, select a category, search, pause or resume a video. YouTube Leanback will work well with Google TV's remote control, but you can also install an application like Air Mouse on your mobile phone.

Leanback is not the first YouTube interface designed for TVs: there's also YouTube XL, but the interface isn't fluid and there are too many options that get in the way.

Better YouTube Mobile

Google's services have a big advantage: a lot of mobile phones include applications for services like YouTube, Google Maps, Gmail, Google Search. Unfortunately, the native applications are rarely updated, so users miss the new features added to Google's services.

A good example is the YouTube application for iPhone, developed by Apple, which still uses 5-star ratings, doesn't support captions, annotations or search suggestions and offers a single sharing option: email. Google's YouTube application for Android is not much better, even if it's updated faster.

Web applications evolve faster, as they aren't updated only when a new version of iOS or Android is released. The latest update of the YouTube Mobile site shows that a web application can be almost as good as a native application, even when you're talking about a mobile phone.

"We launched YouTube on mobile devices in 2007 with about 1,000 videos available on the mobile site ( While this suddenly opened up the possibility to access videos on the go, our site, mobile browsers and the hardware had limitations that prevented the mobile experience from keeping up with YouTube on the desktop. Today, more than ever, we know that you want to be able to find and access your favorite videos wherever you are. That's why we're rolling out an updated version of the mobile site," explains YouTube's blog.

The latest update adds features like search suggestions, replaces ratings with like/dislike buttons, adds the option to create playlists and to watch a high-quality version of a video even if you don't use WiFi. The site loads faster and it's easier to use on a touchscreen. "As we make improvements to, you’ll see them quickly follow on our mobile site, unlike native apps which are not updated as frequently."

YouTube Mobile can be accessed by visiting on your phone. The new version only works if you have an iPhone or an Android phone and it's only available in English.

Tutorial Menyelesaikan Rubik 2x2

"Om Swastiastu"

Hi teman-teman sekalian, setelah sebelumnya saya memberikan download tutorial rubik 3x3, 4x4, dan 5x5, kali ini kita akan beranjak mundur. Karena pada artikel kali ini saya akan memberikan tutorial menyelesaikan rubik 2x2. Cara menyelesaikan rubik 2x2 akan saya berikan dalam bentuk video tutorial.

Nah, bagi para pemula, kalian dapat mempelajari rubik 2x2 terlebih dahulu, atau yang ingin mempelajari rubik 2x2, silahkan lihat tutorialnya disini.

Download Tutorial Rubik 2x2 Part 1
Download Tutorial Rubik 2x2 Part 2

"Om Santhi, Santhi, Santhi, Om"

Update Status Facebook melalui Funstatus

"Om Swastiastu"

Pernahkah kalian melihat status facebook teman-teman kalian, dimana dibawah status tersebut terdapat tulisan misalkan, 2 menit yang lalu melalui Facebook untuk Blackberry. Belum tentu teman kalian tersebut mengupdate statusnya melalui ponsel Blackberry. Nah, jika kalian tidak mempunyai ponsel Blackberry, tetapi kalian ingin mengupdate status dengan cara seperti itu, kalian dapat menggunakan Funstatus.

Di funstatus ini kalian dapat memilih variasi paltform mobile yang kalian inginkan. Misalkan iPhone, Blackberry, iPad, Android, bahkan masih ada banyak lagi platform lucu-lucu lainnya seperti update status melalui Toilet, Black Berak, Windows 7 Ultimate, Kaskus, Kantong ajaib Doraemon, dan masih banyak lagi.

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Final Piala Dunia 2010: Belanda vs Spanyol

"Om Swastiastu"

Akhirnya, momen yang ditunggu-tunggu dari ajang sepakbola paling tinggi di dunia sudah dekat. Final FIFA World Cup 2010 (Final Piala Dunia 2010) yang jatuh pada tanggal 12 Juli 2010 akan mempertemukan dua tim besar Eropa, Belanda vs Spanyol. Belanda telah terlebih dahulu melangkahkan kakinya di final setelah menghancurkan perlawanan Uruguay di babak semifinal dengan skor ketat 3 - 2. Sementara Spanyol baru 1 jam yang lalu memastikan diri melangkah ke final Piala Dunia 2010, mengikuti jejak Belanda, setelah berhasil mengalahkan Jerman dengan skor tipis 1 - 0. Gol kemenangan Spanyol dicetak oleh kapten tim Carles Puyol ketika berhasil menanduk umpan matang Xavi Hernandez yang berawal dari sepak pojok.

Bertemunya Belanda dan Spanyol di Final Piala Dunia 2010 ini akan menjadi sejarah baru dalam Piala Dunia. Karena dengan kedua tim bermain di Final Piala Dunia 2010 yang diadakan di Afrika Selatan ini akan memberikan satu tim baru menjadi juara Piala Dunia. Karena kedua tim sama sekali belum pernah menjadi juara untuk ajang 4 tahunan ini. Belanda sebenarnya mempunyai kesempatan menjadi juara pada Piala Dunia tahun 1974 dan 1978, namun mereka tersingkir oleh lawan masing-masing di partai Final. Sedangkan ini akan menjadi Final pertama untuk Spanyol.
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Rubik 4x4 Bisa Menjadi Rubik 2x2

"Om Swastiastu"

Apakah kalian mempunyai rubik 4x4? Bagi para pemula, rubik 3x3 adalah rubik awal yang akan kalian mainkan. Kemudian naik ke rubik 4x4. Kalian dapat memainkan rubik 4x4, dan jika kalian belum memahami cara menyelesaikannya, download tutorialnya disini.

Tetapi, tahukah kalian bahwa rubik 4x4 juga dapat digunakan sebagai rubik 2x2? Ya, rubik 4x4 ini bisa memiliki dua fungsi, jika kalian ingin belajar menggunakan rubik 2x2, kalian tidak perlu lagi membeli rubik 2x2. Cukup gunakan rubik 4x4 yang telah kalian punya. Syaratnya, pertama selesaikan dulu rubik 4x4, jika sudah hanya putar setengah dari sisi rubik, sehingga rubik 4x4 ini dapat berbentuk seperti rubik 2x2.
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Download Smadav 2010 Rev 8.2

"Om Swastiastu"

Setelah lama menunggu, kemarin malam saat saya sedang asiknya berinternet, tiba-tiba Smadav pada laptop saya mengeluarkan message box bahwa smadav harus segera di update, saya tekan tombol OK, lalu saya lanjut browsing. Beberapa menit kemudian muncul jendela start Smadav (jendela saat Smadav launch dimana ada progress bar yang berjalan), saya bingung kenapa bisa muncul jendela seperti itu (belum sadar). Setelah saya cek, ternyata Smadav pada laptop saya sudah naik ke versi 8.2.

Pada Smadav rev 8.2 ini telah terdapat penambahan 80 database virus baru, perbaikan false alarm, penambahan teknik heuristik untuk varian virus penginfeksi exe, dan beberapa perbaikan bug lainnya.

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Cara Membuat Pesan Pembuka Blog

"Om Swastiastu"

Kalian mungkin sering melihat pada beberapa blog, terdapat pesan pembuka pada blog tersebut. Pemilik blogger tentu memiliki suatu tujuan kenapa dia memasang pesan pembuka seperti itu pada blognya. Mungkin untuk menyapa pengunjung, memberitahu pengunjung akan sesuatu, dan sebagainya.

Bagi para blogger yang ingin memasang script pembuka di blognya, kali ini saya akan memberi tahu caranya. Seperti yang kalian lihat pada blog saya ini, terdapat script pembuka berisi pesan "Welcome to IT Programmer - blablabla". Nah, bagaimanakah cara membuat pesan pembuka blog seperti itu?

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Google Shows Related Videos

Google started to add links to related videos for search results from sites like eHow, Howcast, GameTrailers or Hulu. Google shows two additional videos from the same site below the main search result.

It's not the first time when Google tries to make the content of a site more discoverable. Google already shows sitelinks that highlight popular pages from a site, search boxes for site search, navigation breadcrumbs, related topics from discussion boards.

{ via Blogoscoped Forum }

Google Phrase Search Trick No Longer Works

One of the most popular advanced search feature is phrase search. Google and other search engines let you find web pages that include the exact phrase you type. "By putting double quotes around a set of words, you are telling Google to consider the exact words in that exact order without any change," mentions Google's help center.

The nice thing about phrase search was that you didn't have to close the quotes. You could type ["Dual Polarization Antenna] and Google assumed that you forgot to close the quotes. This was especially useful if you changed your query by adding new words or if you typed the query using a virtual keyboard.

Unfortunately, the trick no longer works and you now have to close the quotes to use phrase search:

At some point, you could even enter queries like [Dual-Polarization-Antenna] and Google returned the same results as if you typed ["Dual Polarization Antenna"].

Belajar HTML - Jenis heading dalam HTML

"Om Swastiastu"

Setelah belajar mengenai format dasar dari penulisan HTML, kali ini kita akan mempelajari mengenai jenis heading yang terdapat dalam HTML. Heading biasanya digunakan untuk membuat judul atau subjudul dalam HTML. Terdapat enam jenis heading, semakin besar nominal dari heading tersebut, semakin kecil huruf yang dibentuk. Contohnya:

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Cara Membuat Deret Fibonacci dalam VB 2008

"Om Swastiastu"

Setelah lama tidak sempat membuat postingan artikel karena sakit dan laptop yang bermasalah, kali ini akhirnya saya bisa melakukan aktivitas blog dengan normal lagi. Pada kesempatan ini saya ingin memberikan sedikit ilmu mengenai  deret bilangan fibonacci dalam VB 2008. Deret fibonacci merupakan deret bilangan yang memiliki rumus bahwa bilangan berikutnya merupakan hasil penjumlahan dari dua bilangan sebelumnya, kecuali dua bilangan pertama yang sealu diisi dengan angka nol dan satu.

Untuk membuat aplikasi deret bilangan VB ini, hal pertama yang harus kalian lakukan adalah membuat desain form VB seperti yang terlihat pada gambar dibawah ini:
Nah, jika sudah, double click button1 atau button proses, lalu ketikkansyntax berikut:

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When Google Doesn't Return the Most Relevant Results

A Google employee has recently said that search engines have improved so much that people are surprised when they don't get good results. When Google has been launched, users were really surprised to see relevant results, even if they were much poorer than they are today.

When you search for [iPod], you expect that the first result is iPod's homepage. Google returns a different page (iTunes homepage) and doesn't even include the iPod homepage in the list of the top 10 search results.

Bing and Yahoo Search return much better results: iPod's homepage is the top result in Bing and the second result in Yahoo Search.

The most likely explanation why Google doesn't return the most relevant results is that used to redirect to, as you can see if you check Internet Archive. The most recent version of the page cached by the Internet Archive is from October 2009 and it still redirected to the iTunes homepage.


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